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NI RFmx SpecAn PAVT Configuration Functions

Alex Starche edited this page Feb 28, 2022 · 3 revisions

PAVT Configuration Functions


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgMeasurementLocationType (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 measurementLocationType);


Configures the measurement location type for the segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
measurementLocationType int32 Specifies whether the location at which the segment is measured is indicated by time or trigger.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_LOCATION_TYPE_TIME (0) The measurement is performed over a single record across multiple segments separated in time. The measurement locations of the segments are specified by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_SEGMENT_START_TIME) attribute. The number of segments is equal to the number of segment start times.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_LOCATION_TYPE_TRIGGER (1) The measurement is performed across segments obtained in multiple records, where each record is obtained when a trigger is received. The number of segments is equal to the number of triggers (records).

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgMeasurementBandwidth (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 measurementBandwidth);


Configures the measurement bandwidth.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
measurementBandwidth float64 Specifies the bandwidth over which the signal is measured. This value is expressed in Hz.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgMeasurementIntervalMode (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 measurementIntervalMode);


Configures the measurement interval mode.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
measurementIntervalMode int32 Specifies the mode of configuring the measurement interval.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE_UNIFORM (0) The time offset from the start of segment and the duration over which the measurement is performed is uniform for all segments and is given by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET) attribute and the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH) attribute respectively.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE_VARIABLE (1) The time offset from the start of segment and the duration over which the measurement is performed is configured separately for each segment and is given by the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_SEGMENT_MEASUREMENT_OFFSET) attribute and the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_SEGMENT_MEASUREMENT_LENGTH) attribute respectively.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgNumberOfSegments (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 numberOfSegments);


Configures the number of segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
numberOfSegments int32 Specifies the number of segments to be measured.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgSegmentType (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 segmentType);


Configures the segment type.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
segmentType int32 Specifies the type of segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_SEGMENT_TYPE_PHASE_AND_AMPLITUDE (0) Phase and amplitude is measured in this segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_SEGMENT_TYPE_AMPLITUDE (1) Amplitude is measured in this segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_SEGMENT_TYPE_FREQUENCY_ERROR_MEASUREMENT (2) Frequency error is measured in this segment.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgSegmentStartTimeStep (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 numberOfSegments, float64 segment0StartTime, float64 segmentInterval);


Configures the list of the segment start times based on segment0StartTime and segmentInterval. This function is used when the segments to be measured have equal duration.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
numberOfSegments int32 Specifies the number of segments to be measured.
segment0StartTime float64 Specifies the start time for segment0. This value is expressed in seconds.
segmentInterval float64 Specifies the difference in the start times between consecutive segments. This value is expressed in seconds.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgSegmentStartTimeList (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 segmentStartTime[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures the list of the segment start times.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
segmentStartTime float64[] Specifies the start time of measurement of the segments. This value is expressed in seconds. You can use this parameter only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_LOCATION_TYPE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_LOCATION_TYPE_TIME.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgMeasurementInterval (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 measurermentOffset, float64 measurermentLength);


Configures the measurement offset and measurement length for the segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
measurermentOffset float64 Specifies the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. The default value is 0.
measurermentLength float64 Specifies the duration within the segment over which the phase and amplitude values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. The default value is 1 millisecond.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgSegmentMeasurementInterval (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 segmentMeasurementOffset, float64 segmentMeasurementLength);


Configures the segment measurement offset and length for the segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
segmentMeasurementOffset float64 Specifies the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This attribute is valid only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE_VARIABLE.
segmentMeasurementLength float64 Specifies the duration within each segment over which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This attribute is valid when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE_VARIABLE.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

PAVT Array Apis


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgSegmentTypeArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], int32 segmentType[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures an array of segment types.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
segmentType int32[] Specifies the type of segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_SEGMENT_TYPE_PHASE_AND_AMPLITUDE (0) Phase and amplitude is measured in this segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_SEGMENT_TYPE_AMPLITUDE (1) Amplitude is measured in this segment.
RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_SEGMENT_TYPE_FREQUENCY_ERROR_MEASUREMENT (2) Frequency error is measured in this segment.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors


int32 __stdcall RFmxSpecAn_PAVTCfgSegmentMeasurementIntervalArray (niRFmxInstrHandle instrumentHandle, char selectorString[], float64 segmentMeasurementOffset[], float64 segmentMeasurementLength[], int32 numberOfElements);


Configures an array of segment measurement offsets and lengths for the segments.


Name Type Description
instrumentHandle niRFmxInstrHandle Identifies the RFmx session. You can obtain this parameter from the RFmxSpecAn_Initialize) function.
selectorString char[] Comprises the signal name. If you do not specify the signal name, the default signal instance is used.




You can use the RFmxSpecAn_BuildSignalString) function to build the selector string).
segmentMeasurementOffset float64[] Specifies the time offset from the start of the segment for which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This attribute is valid only when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE_VARIABLE.
segmentMeasurementLength float64[] Specifies the duration within each segment over which the phase and amplitude, amplitude, or frequency error values are computed. This value is expressed in seconds. This attribute is valid when you set the RFMXSPECAN_ATTR_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE) attribute to RFMXSPECAN_VAL_PAVT_MEASUREMENT_INTERVAL_MODE_VARIABLE.
numberOfElements int32 Specifies the number of elements in each array.

Return Value

Name Type Description
status int32 Returns the status code of this operation. The status code either indicates success or describes an error or warning condition. Examine the status code from each call to an RFmx function to determine if an error has occurred.

To obtain a text description of the status code and additional information about the error condition, call the RFmxSpecAn_GetError) function.

The general meaning of the status code is as follows:
Value Meaning
0 Success
Positive Values Warnings
Negative Values Errors

Table of Contents

Internal Development

Creating and Setting Up a gRPC Server

Server Security Support

Creating a gRPC Client

gRPC Client Examples

Session Utilities API Reference

Driver Documentation

gRPC API Differences From C API

Sharing Driver Sessions Between Clients

Getting started with moniker based streaming
C API Docs
NI-RFmx Bluetooth
NI-RFmx Instr
NI-RFmx SpecAn
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