This repository contains the source code of a realtime transcriber for various whisper models, published on huggingface.
Before you begin, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:
- Python 3.10.12 installed on your machine.
- Microphone connected to your machine.
- Install torch with CUDA support (optional)
- Follow the instructions here and install version >=2.4.0
- Install the package:
pip install --upgrade whisper-realtime-transcriber
After completing the installation, you can now use the transcriber:
- Necessary imports
import asyncio
from whisper_realtime_transcriber.InputStreamGenerator import InputStreamGenerator
from whisper_realtime_transcriber.WhisperModel import WhisperModel
from whisper_realtime_transcriber.RealtimeTranscriber import RealtimeTranscriber
- Standard way - model and generator are initialized by the RealtimeTranscriber and all outputs get printed directly to the console.
transcriber = RealtimeTranscriber()
- Executing a custom function inside the RealtimeTranscriber. All transcriptions are saved to a list.
def print_transcription(some_transcriptions: list):
# Specifying a function will set continuous to False - this will allow one
# to execute a custom function during the coroutine, that is doing something with the transcriptions.
# After the function finished it's work the coroutine will restart.
transcriber = RealtimeTranscriber(func=print_transcription)
- Loading the InputStreamGenerator and/or Whisper Model with custom values.
inputstream_generator = InputStreamGenerator(samplerate=8000, blocksize=2000, min_chunks=2)
asr_model = WhisperModel(inputstream_generator, model_id="openai/whisper-tiny", device="cuda")
transcriber = RealtimeTranscriber(inputstream_generator, asr_model)
Feel free to reach out if you encounter any issues or have questions!
- The transcriber consists of two modules: a Inputstream Generator and a Whisper Model.
- The implementation of the Inputstream Generator is based on this implemantation.
- The Inputstream Generator reads the microphone input and passes it to the Whisper Model. The Whisper Model then generates the transcription.
- This is happening in an async event loop so that the Whsiper Model can continuously generate transcriptions from the provided audio input, generated and processed by the Inputstream Generator.
- On a machine with a 12GB Nvidia RTX 3060 the distilled large-v3 model runs at a realtime-factor of about 0.4, this means 10s of audio input get transcribed in 4s - the longer the input the bigger is the realtime-factor.
- Add functionality to transcribe from audio files.
- Get somehow rid of the hallucinations of the whisper models when no voice is active.