This bundle allows you to manage multiple brandings and multiple locales in a Symfony2 application.
- FrameworkExtraBundle
- TwigBundle
- Multiple routes for each site
- Configuration per site
- Templates per site
Add to your composer.json:
"require": {
"alexandresalome/multisite-bundle": "~0.1"
Add the bundle to your kernel:
# app/AppKernel.php
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
# ...
new Alex\MultisiteBundle\AlexMultisiteBundle(),
Add this section to your config.yml file:
default_branding: branding_A
default_locale: fr_FR
register: true
en_GB: { host: }
fr_FR: { host:, prefix: /fr }
register: false
en_GB: { host: }
de_DE: { host:, register: false }
In this section, you must configure your brandings and locales.
You can also add extra options, like the register option here.
In your controllers, substitute
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
use Alex\MultisiteBundle\Annotation\Route;
You can then configure a multisite route in two ways:
* @Route(name="login", paths={
* "fr_FR"="/connexion",
* "en_GB"="/login"
* })
public function loginAction()
# ...
The path will be the same for all brandings, but will be localized. If you want a different path for same locale in different sites:
* @Route(name="login", paths={
* "branding_A"={
* "fr_FR"="/connexion-on-A",
* "en_GB"="/login-on-A",
* },
* "branding_B"={
* "en_GB"="/login-on-B",
* },
* })
public function loginAction()
# ...
If you want to change a template for a specific site, create a similarly named file with branding/locale option in it:
Given your default template is AcmeDemoBundle::contact.html.twig
You can override it with branding, locale, or both:
Just create the file and it will automatically be loaded in place of the previous one.
From templates, use the global variable site_context, which returns a Alex\MultisiteBundle\Branding\SiteContext
You are currently on {{ site_context.currentBrandingName }}
Your locale is {{ site_context.currentLocale }}
You can also read options from config with:
The option register is {{ site_context.option('register') ? 'enabled': 'not enabled' }}
In your controllers, use service site_context:
public function indexAction()
You might want to rely on natural order of routes. If you're in this case, you can disable the optimization by providing the sort_route option:
sort_routes: false
# ...
You can combine this bundle with Symfony's SecurityBundle, and use this bundle for your routes for login form page.
But, you must not use the multisite feature for the following routes:
- login-check
- logout