Description | Deploy | Tech Stack | Environment Variables | Install & Scripts | Contribution | License
GamerShelf is a web application that allows gamers to keep track of their game collection in one convenient place. Upon visiting the website, users can add games to their virtual shelves. The app also allows users to filter games and add them to their collection with ease.
Each game in the collection has its own page with information such as the title, release date, platform, genre, and a description.
This web app utilizes the free-to-play API.
- Click here to go to a Vercel deploy of this app
- View a specific game details
- Add and remove games from library
- Filter games based on a set of chosen of parameters
- Vite
- React
- Redux & Redux Toolkit
- React Router
- React Icons
- React Toastify
- TypeScript
- React
- Tailwind
- Classnames
- ESLint + Prettier
- Airbnb JavaScript Style Guidelines
This web app needs three Environment Variables:
All three variables are type string and provided by Rapid API
Download and setup the environment variables in a .env
file in your root folder
Install dependecies on NPM:
npm install
Run local server:
npm run dev
Format files with Airbnb JavaScript Style Guidelines:
npm run format
Create build for deploying:
npm run build
If you'd like to contribute with to project, simply open up a Pull Request.