This is simply a pig wrapper around T-Digest which was created by Ted Dunning.
You first feed al of your numbers into the Merge method. This creates a specially structured Tuple that contains the entire TDigest datastructure. After this has been aggregated then you can query multiple quantile values from this single datastructure. So this means the tdigest only needs to be constructed once for a set of numbers.
git clone
Now build and install the java version:
cd tdigest-pig
mvn install
REGISTER ../target/tdigest-pig-*-udf.jar;
DEFINE TDigestMerge nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Merge;
DEFINE TDigestQuantile nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Quantile;
InputData =
LOAD 'data.txt'
AS (value:long);
GroupedData =
GROUP InputData ALL;
TDGroup =
FOREACH GroupedData
GENERATE nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Merge(InputData.value) AS tDigest;
TDStats =
GENERATE nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Quantile(tDigest,0.90) AS Precentile90:double,
nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Quantile(tDigest,0.75) AS Precentile75:double,
nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Quantile(tDigest,0.50) AS Precentile50:double,
nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Quantile(tDigest,0.25) AS Precentile25:double,
nl.basjes.pig.stats.tdigest.Quantile(tDigest,0.10) AS Precentile10:double;
Niels Basjes @nielsbasjes