This Flutter application is built to help people keep track of their valuable devices and protect them from theft. It allows users to register their devices, such as computers, cars, musical instruments, and more by entering a name and a unique serial number for each device. If a device gets stolen, users can mark it as such in the app. That way, if someone is selling the device in question, people will be able to check whether the device is already registered to someone in the app.
- User Authentication: Users can create accounts and log in using Firebase Authentication. This ensures the privacy and security of their registered devices.
- Device Registration: Users can register their devices by entering a name and a unique serial number or IMEI depending on device. The application stores these devices in a Firestore collection. Users cannot register a device if its serial number or IMEI has already been registered.
- Stolen Devices: If a device is stolen, users can mark it as such in the Firestore database. This can be useful for tracking purposes, and for alerting the user's friends or the community.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
- Fork the repository
- Clone the repository to your local machine
git clone
Replace 'your-username' with your GitHub username.
- Change directory to the project directory
cd stolen-or-not-app
- Run
flutter pub get
in the root of the project to install necessary dependencies. - Build and run the project:
- For Android, you can use
flutter run
command or use your IDE run configuration.
- For Android, you can use
- When the app is running on your emulator, you can use testing credentials to log in with email and password:
- Email:
- Password: 123456
- Create your Feature Branch
git switch -c feature
(Replace the feature placeholder with your new feature) - Make your changes in code
9 Add your changes
git add name-of-the-changed-file
- Commit your Changes
git commit -m 'Add new feature'
- Push to the Branch
git push -u origin feature
- Open a Pull Request
Please note that global installation may require administrator permissions on your system. If you face any permission issues, you can use a package manager like yarn or use a version manager like nvm for node.js. Also remember to replace name-of-the-changed-file
and feature
with your specific file names and feature names.
For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
Also, please read our Contributing Guidelines for more information.
If you have any questions about the repo, open an issue or contact me directly at or at