Express server, React TypeScript & MySQL on Docker.
For prod environment you need to set public IP or domain in react/package.json
"build": "REACT_APP_NODE_IP=nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn:3008 react-scripts build",
Set MySQL credentials in .env file. MYSQL_HOST must match name of MySQL service and database name must match with database name in mysql/init.sql
and start docker stack
docker compose up
MySQL service is running on dbmysql:3306 and it's used by nodejs service to get a row from database. Database is pre populated with data from ./mysql/init.sql
Express server with API endpoints at
- http://localhost:3008/api/v1/task gets data from database
- http://localhost:3008/api/v1/users gets users
- http://localhost:3008/api/v1/users/:id gets user
Route /task
has 1 second delay. It simulates latency.
Production build is running on http://localhost after docker-compose up
It calls Nodejs service to get data from the API endpoints.
Axios in useEffect with Async / Await and unmount, Loader, Routes, Retry API calls, deal with error HTTP responses and axios timeout
- install
Debugger for Chrome
on Code yarn start
- set break points & run debugger
- set break points
- run debugger