Lapide Menu is an injector for Steam Cookie Clicker, it was made by Lapide.
- First you need to download it, you can Download It Here
- Then, unzip it and open the install.exe file. It will ask you for the DIR.
- Copy this C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Cookie Clicker\ or find the DIR then paste it inside the console, by left clicking it.
- Open cookie clicker and you have it!
- Open the uninstall.exe file
- Copy this C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Cookie Clicker\ or find the DIR then paste it inside the console, by left clicking it.
- You uninstalled it!
- Make a new pull request for any bugs, click on Labels and select an option that you need.
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages caused while using Lapide Menu.
WARNING: Betas do not install the same as the alphas/originals. Installing the original after having the beta will break the hack! You need to uninstall the beta via its file. Check the How To Uninstall to learn how to uninstall betas and originals.