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View the result: the Traitor web-application!
[The following report can also be downloaded here]
Lesley Wevers
Oliver Jundt
Wanno Drijfhout
University of Twente
What do Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, IBM etc. have in common, if
anything? What does Java have that PHP does not have? Which extra
terms could refine the search query "lance armstrong"
? What is
the context of a sentence, such as "Food, games and shelter are
just as important as health"? How can animals be organized in
You may know the answers to these questions or know where to look for them - but can a computer answer these questions for you too? We suspect this could be the case if the computer had a data set of associated concepts. An example to illustrate why we have this suspicion: if we know that the concepts of the two companies Apple and Samsung are both frequently associated with the concept of a "phone", we can conclude that "phone" is something they have in common.
Our idea is to test our suspicion with Traitor, a tool we developed that has a database of associated concepts and understands questions similar to our examples.
In the following we describe how the two essential parts of Traitor, the association database and query interfaces, were created and work.
We use Common Crawl's 25TB big data set of web pages to extract associated concepts. For this we have implemented a map-reduce program in Java for Hadoop. This program runs on SARA's Hadoop cluster and processes the web pages. The program depends on two assumptions we make:
- A word represents a concept;
- If two words co-occur in a sentence, the concepts they represent are associated by humans.
As we will discuss later (see section 4.1), assumption 1 has only a limited validity.
In a few steps (see Figure 1 or Javadoc) our mapper transforms the raw HTML responses from the Common Crawl data set to a list of key value pairs (k,v), where the key k is a word pair (w1,w2) that co-occurred in some sentence on the page, and the value v denotes the number of pages on which this co-occurrence has been found. We consider the 'count' of co-occurring word pairs as a measure of the association's strength.
In sequence, the Traitor mapper performs the following steps:
- discard documents that are not HTML-formatted or do not have status code 200 (OK);
- extract plain text content from the HTML page using the BoilerPipe library;
- split the plain text into sentences using a regular expression;
- discard sentences containing source code;
- discard non-alphabetic tokens from sentences, such as numbers.
- discard sentences that are "probably" not English[footnote: The heuristic to determine whether a sentence is English, is rather crude and imprecise: we check if a sentence contains at least two 'common typically English words'.
- count each distinct co-occurring word pair in the page's
sentences once and emit the tuple (w1,w2,1)
such that w1 <= w2 (lexicographically).
Figure 1: Description of the Traitor mapper workflow.
We have chosen sentences as the semantic unit (rather than the same paragraph or document) for generating word pairs for two reasons. A technical reason is to constrain the result size. Pairing every non-trivial word with every other produces results in the order O(n2). The second reason is based on human language semantics. We assume that word co-occurrences within a sentence are more likely to represent actual concept associations than co-occurrences of words that are spread over a whole document.
In the reduction phase we sum the counts of the word pairs produced by the mapper. Because the distribution of word pairs follows a Zipf distribution (see Figure 2), we find that the majority of the resulting pairs have a very low count. To reduce storage costs of the final output, we can discard pairs with a count less than some N; e.g. if N=2, we discard all pairs that only occur once. Essentially, this allows us to reduce the output to any size that we can handle in the presentation layer. Unfortunately, pairs with rare words are cut indiscriminately due to this policy, even if these co-occurring words are still usable associations.
Figure 2: Histogram of word pair occurrences in the data set. Rare word
pair occurrences (fewer than N=100 times) are excluded.
The resulting tuples from the map-reduce step are imported into a SQLite3-database. As a front-end to this database we have built a web application with two query interfaces using CherryPy and Jinja2.
Users can enter search queries, similar to set notation, to do tasks like finding similarities and differences between two concepts.
A sequence of words, separated by spaces, denotes the conjunction/intersection and yields the words that are associated with all words in the sequence. A sequence of words, separated by plus-symbols, denotes the disjunction/union and yields the words that are associated with any word in the sequence. Words, preceded by a minus-symbol, denote the negation/complement.
To illustrate: the query (a + b) -c
would yield all words that
are associated with a or b, and not with c.
A graphical interface allows users to visualize similarity relationships of concepts in a force directed graph using D3.js.
Users can enter a list of words which become labeled nodes in the graph. The graphical size of the nodes indicates how many associations a concept has. The more associations a concept has, the bigger is the node.
For each word in the query the system retrieves the 50 most strongly related concepts. One could interpret this top 50 ranked list as an estimate of the concept's context.
For each word pair we apply the RBO metric to estimate the similarity. A link is created between two nodes if the similarity is more than 5%. The length and thickness of the link indicate the similarity. If two nodes are connected by a short thick line the corresponding concepts share a very similar top 50 ranking. Conversely, distant nodes and nodes without any link between them have very few (or no) concepts in common.
In the following we try to assess the quality of the Traitor's query results for our introductory questions and additional samples. The association database that we used for the query results contains over 43 million extracted distinct word pairs.
The first question from the introduction translates in Traitor to
"apple samsung microsoft ibm"
(i.e, what do those companies have
in common?) and yields as top ranked concepts: software, windows,
system, mobile, computer etc. This is a reasonable result.
Recommending extra search query terms is similar to finding
commonalities. For the query "lance armstrong"
, Traitor returns
tour, cancer, france, foundation, team and (further down)
livestrong, race, cycling and yellow. These are rather good
results compared to Google Trends and allow the user to narrow
down on a particular aspect of "lance armstrong", such as "cancer
", eventually reaching foundation via "lance armstrong cancer".
Other queries of this type have results of varying quality, such
as "amber alert"
(yields red but also girl and issued, later on),
"political party"
(yields information but also democratic and
republican), "vehicle"
(yields car, motor, insurance etc.) and "music"
(yields video, live, download, world, play etc.). We reckon
that names and categories (like "music"
) generally yield better
result than elements thereof ("blues music"
yields rock, band).
The second question from the introduction translates to "java -php"
(i.e., what associations does Java have that PHP does not?).
The results are interesting: applet(s), alden, jvm, coffee,
marketplace, east, concentration, flashcards, servlet, indonesia
etc. Some results are associated with the Java programming
language (but not PHP!), the Java coffee brand and the Java
island (East-Java).
If we extend the query to "java coffee -php"
, results include
cup, bean(s), tea, espresso etc. These results are reasonable
answers to the query "concepts that are associated with Java and
coffee but not PHP".
Other queries have results of varying quality; e.g., "wii -xbox"
(contains balance, kart, nunchu(c)k) is good; "gates -jobs"
(contains melinda as well as wrought, driveway), "twente -holland"
(contains fc, mcclarens, enschede as well as domestic, huge)
slightly worse. We reckon more words that are both commonly used
and unambiguous (e.g., Wii) yield better results.
The association search interface can also be used for deducing
contexts of sentences. For example, the query "food + games + and + shelter + are + just + as + important + as + health"
produces the union of each word's associations: care,
insurance, information, play, good. Taking the union corresponds to the intuition that each word contributes extra
meaning to the sentence.
For another query "haskell + is + better + than + python + or + java"
Traitor yields reasonable results too: code, language, application(s), programming, software.
Each word has its own associations. For any such association to emerge as 'context' of the entire sentence, the association must be very strong for either that single word, or for multiple words combined. We reckon the strongest associations describe the context of the sentence best.
We created the visualization interface for finding taxonomies. This type of question seems to be the most complex one with widely varying quality of results. For the introduction example of animals (see Figure 3a) the visualization is little insightful. However, the visualization of a set of brands (see Figure 3b) illustrates the economic ties (e.g., competitors, similar sectors) between the brands quite well. The visualization of various countries (see Figure 3c) resembles geographical, economic or historical relationships between them, but the user needs additional knowledge to understand what the visible clusters actually mean.
We reckon the set of brands is well-visualized because brands are often compared and reviewed on the web (e.g., product reviews, news reports).
Figure 3: Various demo visualizations.
Many of Traitor's results are indeed reasonable and as expected. However, as already discussed in the previous chapter, we observed cases where this is not the case. If we take a closer look at what would improve the result quality for most of these cases, we find the following problems that have to be solved.
A weakness of Traitor is the assumption that each word
corresponds to a single concept. Words often represent multiple
concepts; e.g. "apple"
refers to a company and a fruit. Traitor
does not distinguish between different meanings of words and it
consequently becomes very difficult to see in the query interfaces which associations
belong to which meaning. In practice this
is not a problem if there exists one dominant meaning of the word
and the user is interested in exactly this meaning and only the
most strongly associated concepts. Google Search has the same
problem. If you search for "apple"
, you will have to click through
several result pages to actually find something about the fruit,
because the company Apple is used much more often on the web.
However, as with Google Search, combining concepts in a query can help
to achieve the intended results (e.g. "apple fruit"
Another limitation of Traitor is that concepts can only be described (and identified) by single words. Sometimes, a proper concept description requires multiple words; e.g., "New York". This is a hard problem. We considered extracting bigrams and trigrams from sentences, but that would have drastically increased the database size. We also considered using predefined lists of n-grams that describe concepts, e.g. the Fortune 500 list of company names, but building a general and complete n-gram database turned out to be project by itself. Time constraints forced us to accept this limitation.