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Norvig Web Data Science Award

Entry Naward 2014: Where are the Bitcoins?

Naward Group 14

Pieter Hameete

Tamis van der Laan

Delft University of Technology

IN4144 Data Sciene


Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that operates through a network of privately owned computers. It is possible to connect to this network and request information regarding transactions and valuta. Furthermore the digital currency is anonymous in the sense that a bitcoin user is represented by an address based on its public key. Currently over 13 million bitcoins are in circulation, representing a value of more than 6,5 billion USD at present.

Our initial idea comes from our curiosity of where the owners of this digitual currency reside. To get a deeper insight into the users behind the bitcoins we aimed to retrieve more information about them by means of parsing the web pages available in the common crawl dataset. Because it is difficult to get information about individual bitcoin users based on their bitcoin address, we can look for additional information regarding the nationality and language of the bitcoin users in the web pages where we find their address. Our goal is to attribute bitcoin balance, ingoing transactions and outgoing transactions as a collective per country or language and to visualise this on a world map. This visualisation should then show an estimation of the relative amount of bitcoins owned by the citizens of each country, as well as provide insight into the relative amount of incoming and outgoing bitcoins per country.


Parsing Web Pages

Similarly to the provided Href Extractor from the warcexamples we have used the warcutils library for parsing the sequence files to WarcRecords. These WarcRecords, each corresponding to a single web page, are then further processed by our MapReduce job that was written using Hadoop.000000000000000000

Detecting Bitcoin Addresses

Our first goal is to find any bitcoin addresses in the web page that correponds to the WarcRecord that is provided as input to the Mapper. These addresses may be found in any place on the webpage. The fastest method is to look for so-called bitcoin URLs. These bitcoin URLs may be found in the href property of hyperlinks and are formatted as bitcoin:address to allow for easy usage by bitcoin applications installed on the pc of a visitor. These address are extracted from the raw html string of the web page by means of regular expressions. To validate whether the extracted addresses are in fact valid addresses the following bitcoinj library is used.

A majority of the bitcoin addresses present in webpages can not be found in these nicely formatted bitcoin links. A more complete approach is to also check for each word in the text of the website body whether it is a valid bitcoin address using bitcoinj. We found that adding this detection to the url detection resulted in roughly 3 times more detected bitcoin addresses. Unfortunately this approach is computationally very expensive, causing the hadoop job to require 6 times more execution time. Results used in this document are solely based on addresses found in bitcoin URLs. The run using a full content scan for bitcoin addresses is expected to complete on September 2nd and these results will be swapped in later.

Determining Webpage Country and Language

If for the web page that is being processed one or more bitcoin addresses are found we proceed with the next step: determining the country and language of the web page. We deduced the country by looking at the domain name in the URL of the webpage. The domain extension was extracted using regular expressions and then mapped to the corresponding country, using a predefined table. Only country dependent domain extensions could be used. General domain extensions such as .org or .com were mapped to an unknown country category. Similarly domain extensions of webpages that are frequently used to generate short URLs (such ly for as are mapped to an unknown country.

Detecting the language was done by making use of the java language classifier langdetect by Nakatani. This language classifier with a precision of 99% was applied to the text body of the web page to determine the language of the webpage content. The mapper finally sends the <Address, Language> and <Address, Country> pairs to the reducers.

Removing Duplicates and Gathering Address Information

In the Reducer all information for a single Bitcoin address is gathered and duplicate addresses are removed. Now more information is extracted for the bitcoin address itself in the reducer. We used several web services to extract additional information from the bitcoin addresses. For this they have kindly provided us with an API key to avoid the request limit. The following web services are used to retrieve more information on balance and the amount of sent and received bitcoins: Balance: “” Outgoing transactions: “” Incoming transactions: “

Finally every bitcoin address and the extracted information is written to a json object by the Reducer to allow for easy further usage by our Javascript visualization.

Visualizing Results

Postprocessing the Hadoop job output

As a final step we want to visualise the information that was extracted by the hadoop job. Because we wanted to visualize the information by country and by language the resulting json file was parsed using python scripts. The final merged output file from the mapreduce application was small enough to allow for postprocessing on a single PC. Using a python scripts we generated two new json files: one containing information on a country basis and the other on a language basis. The python script computed for each country and language the total and relative amount of bitcoins owned, sent and received, as well as the total amount of bitcoins owned, sent and received worldwide amongst all crawled addresses.

Visualising on a World Map

We used the d3 (Data-driven Documents) Javascript library to visualise the country and language data. The country data was visualized by coloring a world map which was drawn using the topojson library according to one of the properties (balance, incoming transactions, outgoing transactions) which can be selected using a drop down menu. The relative amount is then indicated by coloring the country using a gradient multiple color scale. The language information is visualised in a pie chart. The pie chart also made use of the same drop down menu to select the property to be visualized. The colored world map was made to show in full screen and is pannable as well as zoomable. A toggle was created to switch between the pi chart and the map visualization as the pi chart included many countries and hence needed to be presented full screen.


Our final visualisation can be found at the following webpage: (sorry for the advertisement due to free hosting!). This visualisation is interactive so you can move the world map around, zoom in and change the the values that are used for coloring the map by using the dropdown at the top (this will cause the legend to change accordingly). Using the toggle button at the bottom you can view the bitcoin balance distribution per language as well.


At the time of writing this discussion we only have the results from a stripped run that consisted of 503 found bitcoin addresses to which a country could be attributed. This stripped run also did not retrieve the amount of sent and received bitcoins per country to improve runtime. These 503 found addresses is a low number for estimating bitcoin balances of all countries worldwide. Because of this we are running our hadoop job again with more a extensive bitcoin address search that will hopefully result in (a lot) more results and thus better estimations. We expect this run to complete around the 2nd of September and will update the visualisation accordingly when that run has completed.

From our current results we see that most of the bitcoins that belong to the addresses that we mined belong to people that live in Northern America and Europe. For us it was unexpected to see that the Asian countries have a very low amount of bitcoins attributed to them. This could be because these Asian webpages occur less frequently in the web crawl or because bitcoin addresses are written using different characters on these Asian webpages. Our next run might produce more results for asian countries.

According to our visualisation by far the most bitcoins are owned by Canadians. We expect this to be a distorted image due to the low number of extracted bitcoin addresses. The address that owns by far the most bitcoins of all extracted addresses is attributed to Canada. When more addresses are extracted by our new run we expect this to average out more. When we look at the average number of bitcoins per bitcoin address of each of the countries we also see that the European countries already show relatively higher numbers, despite Canada still remaining the country with the highest average number of bitcoins.

Process and Future Work

During our work on this project we unfortunately lost a lot of time resolving issues with running our hadoop job on the complete CommonCrawl dataset on the Surfsara cluster. Because these problems only occurred on the complete dataset and because we were (one of) the first groups to do a complete run this was difficult and time-consuming to debug. These problems originated from cluster related configuration issues, such as a lack of memory of the Application Managers. We would like to thank Jeroen Schot (Surfsara) and Jeroen Vuurens (TU Delft) for helping us find a solution to these problems. We have hopefully been able to spare our peers from the TU Delft IN4144 course some time by sharing our problems and their solutions on Piazza.

Due to these problems we have not been able to spend as much time on developing the project as we would have liked. In this section we discuss some features that we would have like to have added to the final result:

  • Incorporate Bitcoin Transactions into the Visualisation. By including transactions between mined bitcoin address in the results of the hadoop job we would have been able to visualise the direct flows of bitcoins between countries. It would be interesting to see which companies do most bitcoin trading with each other.
  • Improve Bitcoin Address miner As we have seen from our initial results, the number of bitcoin addresses that we extract needs to be large to allow for good estimations. Especially given the fact that many addresses can not be attributed to a country and are therefore not usable in our visualisation. Hopefully our second run that inspects each word in the content will yield many more results, but we believe that a more efficient and thorough bitcoin miner can be developed. For example: bitcoin addresses are frequently shared using QR codes. If we would be able to read these it can increase the number of results.
  • Improve country attribution Currently the domain extension of a webpage plays a major role in country determination. Because of this method all bitcoin addresses found on for example .com websites can not be used for the visualisation. A more sophisticated method for attributing addresses to countries can improve the accuracy of country attribution and result in fewer discarded addresses. An example approach could be training a classifier that determines bitcoin address country based on the domain extension, language of the surrounding content, ip trace of recent transactions and potentially more features.


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