Table of Contents
Hector Drone and its sensors is what we are going to interface our python Nodes with and write algorithms to avoid obstacles and secure diamonds in simulation of Gaebzo .OpenCV library for python is going to be used for the Last project and you will learn how to perform computer vision algorithms with ROS .
Move into your workspace/src folder
cd path/to/ros2_ws/src/ ##e.g cd ~/ros2_ws/src/
Clone the repository in your workspace
git clone --recurse-submodules
Perform make and build through colcon
cd /path/to/workspace_root/ ##e.g ~/ros2_ws/ colcon build
Source your Workspace in any terminal you open to Run files from this workspace
source /path/to/ros2_ws/devel/setup.bash
- launch go to goal behaviour
ros2 launch drive_drone
This course is going to utilize Hector drone package containing a drone with multiple sensors. We will start with creating custom launch files which will bring all required files into our custom package. Sensors integration to robot model with xacro files .We will then perform multiple tasks to learn how ROS can help in learning drone robotics
Custom World Files will be created to represent projects , and complete workflow of our projects will be explained .
OpenCV library for python is going to be used for the Last project and you will learn how to perform computer vision algorithms with ROS
- Drone Following Ground Vehicles throuhg Computer Vision
- Drone performing dynamic Go to Goal behaviour
Software Based
- Ubuntu 22.04 (LTS)
- ROS2 - Humble
- We have uploaded all the notes made during the lectures of the course so you can get more out of this repository with the instructors Notes. A seperate folder named as Notes contain a single PDF carrying all the notes in the root of this repository
Distributed under the GNU-GPL License. See LICENSE
for more information.