bookSearch.js - element created in search
if clicked favorite will display favorite removes input bars and isbn formula
index.html - user interface
style.css - user interface design
index.js - main script
scripts - scripts
styles - styles of page
All about scripts
- barcode-scanning.js -> start camera
- showScanner.js -> show camera
- Announce.js -> show announcement
- Book.js -> create book element
- Loading.js -> display loading
- addToFavorite.js -> add book to favorite
- removeToFavorite.js -> remove book from favorite
- showFavorite.js -> show favorite books
- showGoogleBooks.js -> show google books
- handleResponse.js -> handle sign in response
- initialize-oauth.js -> initialize oauth
- syncToGoogleBook.js -> sync favorite to google books
- ToFavorites.js -> switch to favorite page
- ToHome.js -> switch to home page
display-book-info.js -> display more book info
display-book.js -> check if match then calls searchBookIndiv.js to display all search book
searchedBookIndiv.js -> display all book in page searched and related
showSearch.js -> show search result
validate-isbn.js -> validate isbn
All about styles
- main.css - main style
- announcement.css - announcement style
- book.css - book style
- card.css - card style
- favorite.css - favorite style
- google-book.css - google book style
- loading.css - loading style
- searchbar.css - searchbar style
display-book-info.js - display more book info display-book.js - check if match then calls searchBookIndiv.js to display alll search book searchedBookIndiv.js - display all book in page searched and related
if clicked a book it will call display-book-info.js and display more info
- FAvorite
addToFavorite.js - adding the favorite to the local storage
- favorite -> added to favorites
- googleBook -> google books favorite
<!-- <div class="book-content">
<h1 class="book-title">One Piece, Vol. 1 (2003-09-02)</h1>
<div class="card-bg">
<p class="author">Eiichiro oda</p>
<div class="button-container">
<button class="add-favorite">
<img class="svg" src="/svg/heart.svg" alt="" />
<span class="text">Add Favorite</span>
<button class="more-info">
<img class="svg" src="/svg/more-vertical.svg" alt="" />
<span class="text">More Info</span>
<p class="category">Categoryhgn';fn hfolbk</p>
<p class="description" scroll>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Sunt
quae cupiditate quod perspiciatis veritatis temporibus quaerat
autem alias vitae eligendi, recusandae nemo ullam velit pariatur
ratione eos accusantium adipisci animi?
<p class="additional-info">
ISBN 10: 1234567890 <br />
ISBN 13: 1234567890123 <br />
Publisher: hello INc. <br />
Book : 176 pages <br />
Dimension: 26.00 cm x 26.00 cm x 26.00 cm
</div> -->