You will be split up into teams, and your team will build a new application to keep track of movies that you have seen, and want to see, with your own ratings.
- Request an api key
- Must have the ability to register a user in Firebase
- Must have the ability to log in
- You must use Firebase to store movies
- You must be able to add movies
- You must be able to remove movies
- Each movie must have the following properties
- Movie name
- Year released
- List of major actors
- Movie poster, if available
- An integer rating of 1-5
- A boolean value that, if true, means that you have watched the movie
- Use Grunt to automate all the tasks needed during development.
- For the layout, we suggest Bootstrap, but if you want to stretch your legs, you can try Materialize.
- Use of project tickets and features
Review the basic design and ask questions to your product owner for clarification, or ideas on features.