Pong game made with Phaser. Written in TypeScript. Development playground to test various packages and ideas.
- Clone repo.
- Install npm.
- Run
npm install
to install dependencies.
gulp dev
: build, start server and watch for changes.gulp build
: build and copy files to destination.gulp run
: start server.
See package.json
and gulpfile.babel.js
for other tasks.
- Game framework: Phaser.
- Language: TypeScript.
- Tasks: gulp.
- Build: rollup.js, TypeScript, Babel.
- Tests: Mocha, Chai, Istanbul.
- Lint: TSLint.
- Music: At Night (PSG Version) by Snabisch. License: CC-BY 3.0.
- Font: Press Start 2P by CodeMan38. License: Open Font License.
- Bitmap Font Generator: to create bitmap fonts from TrueType.
- Bfxr: to create sound effects.
- Piskel: to draw sprites.
- 86 hours to complete.