Build MVP Version for "smart choice" project that user can search a product then compore price, promotion in almost ecommerce websites
- To get Information a product we should call to 3rd party serivce
- We need optimize the cost when traffic increase
- Tracking user activity for audit
- As a service, it needs be dockerized, monitored, healthcheck, livecheck
- Business will be changed so fast, we need increase our team size
- Code Architecture: Clean Architecture (Unclebob). why? to build an MVP project, our business and technical decision are very early stage that we will change a lot in future. For instance, in our project we don't know how many ecommerce sites, we should change to a solution that help optimize cost, we need increase our team size.
Here is my code structure:
- core: Product entity and ProductSearchUC.getProductListByESiteProvider -> this is our business requirement
- provider: thirdparty.product + thirdparty.esite -> we change them later
- entrypoint: rest.product (/product/search/:name) + actuator (spring-boot-starter-actuator)
- configuration: wires everything together, application here
- What we do for traffic increase and optimize cost:
Caching: we cache every request go to thirdparty.esite -> it is very simple that to TikiESiteWithCache implement ESiteFunctinonl then do get in caching or build caching by TikiESite.searchProduct
Build crawler and work in our ElasticSearch DB:
- create a new entrypoint is job that do crawler all ecommerce websites then push to our ElasticSearch DB
- add elastic.product -> query to elastic search DB and return product list
Local, ID: open and run the main class "dev.hocnguyen.smartchoice.configuration.Application"
docker build -t smartchoice .
docker run --name=smartchoice -d -p 8080:8080 smartchoice
- Gitlab-CI: please check for adding env: autotag every latest commit, docker push to registry, deloy to ec2
- Search a product
curl --location --request GET 'localhost:8080/product/search/television'
- Monitoring
curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:8080/actuator'
There are more things in a real production app:
- Web + App tracking user's behaviour (Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, our Big Query for analytics ...)
- Web servers (SSR) + Static CDN (CloudFront, Fastly, CloudCDN ...) to fastest return UI to users
- Horizontal Scale + HA: There are service load balancers to our services what deploy in n containers (base on Docker)
- Logging Central: to Audit/Debug issues of our services, We choice Kafka to be at the middle then stream all our logs to an Elasticsearch cluster that having some dashboard (Kibana) for dev/business people can easily to check
- System monitor dashboard: There are a lot of use case for that such as tracking CPU, RAM, error request, success rate, trigger alert to team who manage a service
- Clean Architecture: we can generate a service by JHipster, its structure is more simple and focus on technical
- More simple microservice architecture: remove 3,4,5 in microservices design above by using AWS Lambda, AWS Cloud Watch, AWS SNS
- Clean Architecture:
- Indirect – there will be a lot more interfaces than one might expect
- Heavy – in the sense that you might end up with a lot more classes than you currently have in your projects
- Microservice:
- Too complex for a MVP, we should deliver as fast as possible way to reach market. so, in MVP, it's better to 1-2 dev guys for building whole product