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RESTful API created with express and mongoose for this => frontend


git clone
cd hyf-almuni-backend
npm install
npm start


we use MongoDB database and MongoDB Atlas in the cloud. So, If you want to configure on cloud, create a mongodb atlas account and create a new file .env in the main directory and configure as follow:

DB_USER =<dbUser>
DB_NAME =<dbName>
DB_PASSWORD = <dbPassword> 

And we use Cloudinary to store files like CV and profile pictures. Similarly add the following configuration to your .env file



This application is deployed on Heroku with This main endpoint.


1. Alumni Main Endpoint: (

a. Registering an Alumni

POST request to with the following input:

   "surname": "hyf",
   "password": "123456"

b. login an Alumni

POST request to with the following input:

   "password": "123456"

after login you will get the following response :

   "success": true,
   "alumni": {
       "cv": [],
       "profileImage": [],
       "userType": "alumni",
       "isActive": true,
       "jobTitle": "frontend",
       "languages": [],
       "skills": [],
       "media": [],
       "projects": [],
       "_id": "5f201524c652920017ed9eeb",
       "name": "alumni",
       "surname": "hyf",
       "email": "",
       "hash": "47660d50d796fbcdd30005bb389e73e4c7179ea13cc6f83476f51593178ae8e3ab596388e3116457922189a7445d22ff73e752131c41a6416a0212ae7173052b",
       "salt": "22f8bb29c111407c0ae3531528337ffab8bb6d284819a5f0405b063fa9b887e6",
       "registeredDate": "2020-07-28T12:08:04.549Z",
       "__v": 0
   "token": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI1ZjIwMTUyNGM2NTI5MjAwMTdlZDllZWIiLCJpYXQiOjE1OTU5MzgwOTI5MTgsImV4cCI6MTU5NTk0MDY4NDkxOH0.C2S8fcU294ywK_Mwm8vW9Cl0FhQ7l2Ikxyv3wNDYe7934F8FtzzO0mhXAIsizA0Fn3ozqwUCIHhWO3sMX3oCqr5FMURMKsjCt28_xgzBVzooI3XEoKwxQHdCral42rKUwUD11uvLRE3z9S93lFrVnpSTiKk1Vuo9dIsEGv_6c3eH7hfJgnW1d9uD9gfHw90TDh5Nx2L6X0i6xQ25_S_vow04h1slIJr89KSB0KirdN1tYr4oi0nGNoMnMxSKotZgX99rGYNBmsPJo2wRlm3VskqV-VHduz2e0po_W_AzSU57s-su9h40uGI8vdIKZ89ZP4Z--Zx8e1tq-BdBZQPSXa4HB2WiMSQDchXeWRJtJ2U4aJUzCL9w0cnbtI_J4b3qA4UcE5KZdCa_9w-8KtHig8qlUoHjHXQ08BiXtK3RxUZ_7WvCml_BK8yCJAmM1jdhtguFwgr0QYvC7LgaHq6u-U803jldUFq3xKZEQkAKqpAYvMJrau3pBr81s9MtdpzNJj_MXvkEVSWJJbWTWIQR__47i4vyTAJmPz6RRNVA24TPdRa7pM2DvXsnlymEtNykBBw9T4hhkbOkrSVGrUv6d9k14E_QrszWIYOmePLPsCMrH7SWKxpkTK2AXgp9MtTaBPkwBqWZV_u7qKfAtPsj0Vd_OT96EZLP_Z0kTDSy-0o",
   "expiresIn": "30d"

So you need to store the token in LocalStorage or cookies to access the other routes:

C. Get paricular alumni: (

GET request to with:

HEADER => Authorization : <the token form the login response > 

If you make a sucessfull request with the valid token then you will get the following response :

    "success": true,
    "alumni": {
        "cv": [],
        "profileImage": [],
        "userType": "alumni",
        "isActive": true,
        "jobTitle": "frontend",
        "languages": [],
        "skills": [],
        "media": [],
        "projects": [],
        "_id": "5f201524c652920017ed9eeb",
        "name": "alumni",
        "surname": "hyf",
        "email": "",
        "hash": "47660d50d796fbcdd30005bb389e73e4c7179ea13cc6f83476f51593178ae8e3ab596388e3116457922189a7445d22ff73e752131c41a6416a0212ae7173052b",
        "salt": "22f8bb29c111407c0ae3531528337ffab8bb6d284819a5f0405b063fa9b887e6",
        "registeredDate": "2020-07-28T12:08:04.549Z",
        "__v": 0

D. UPDATE paricular alumni: (

PTTCH request to with:

HEADER => Authorization : <the token form the login response > 

On this request you can edit Alumni's name and surname

E. Get all skills of a paricular alumni: (

GET request to with:

HEADER => Authorization : <the token form the login response > 

F. Get all language of a paricular alumni: (

GET request to with:

HEADER => Authorization : <the token form the login response > 

G. Get all social media info of a paricular alumni: (

GET request to with:

HEADER => Authorization : <the token form the login response > 

In General you can perform the following CRUD actions on(

METHOD ROUTE Description
POST /register Register or sign up alumni
POST /login login alumni
GET / Get all alumni (with COMPANY TOKEN)
GET /:alumniId List a paricular Alumni
PATCH /:alumniId Update a paricular Alumni
GET /:alumniId/skill List all programing language skills of a paricuar Alumni
GET /:alumniId/language List all language skills of a paricuar Alumni
GET /:alumniId/media List all social media details of a paricuar Alumni

2. Skill Main Endpoint: (

a. createing a new skill for a particular Alumni

Note: In every request don't forget to send the Autorizaion token in the header As every route is protected! Now let's add a skill for the alumni we created above POST request to with the following input:

   "student":"5f201524c652920017ed9eeb", // which is the Id of the alumni
   "skill": "javaScript",

In General CRUD actions on the endpoint ( are :

METHOD ROUTE Description
GET / List all skills
POST / Create a new skill
GET /:skillId List a paricular skill
PATCH /:skillId Update a paricular skill
DELETE /:skillId Delete a paricular skill

3. Language Main Endpoint: (

a. createing a new language for a particular Alumni

Note: In every request don't forget to send the Autorizaion token in the header As every route is protected! Now let's add a lnguage for the alumni we created above POST request to with the following input:

   "student":"5f201524c652920017ed9eeb", // which is the Id of the alumni
   "language": "English",

In General CRUD actions on the endpoint ( are :

METHOD ROUTE Description
GET / List all languages
POST / Create a new language
GET /:languageId List a paricular language
PATCH /:languageId Update a paricular language
DELETE /:languageId Delete a paricular language

4. Social media Main Endpoint: (

a. createing a new social media info for a particular Alumni

Note: In every request don't forget to send the Autorizaion token in the header As every route is protected! Now let's add a lnguage for the alumni we created above POST request to with the following input:

   "student":"5f201524c652920017ed9eeb", // which is the Id of the alumni
   "media": "github",

In General CRUD actions on the endpoint ( are :

METHOD ROUTE Description
GET / List all sociamedia
POST / Create a new media
GET /:mediaId List a paricular media
PATCH /:mediaId Update a paricular media
DELETE /:mediaId Delete a paricular media

5. CV Main Endpoint: (

a. upload a cv for a particular Alumni

Note: In every request don't forget to send the Autorizaion token in the header As every route is protected! Now let's add a lnguage for the alumni we created above POST request to with the following input:

   "student":"5f201524c652920017ed9eeb", // which is the Id of the alumni
   "image": alumni.pdf

In General CRUD actions on the endpoint ( are :

METHOD ROUTE Description
POST / upload a new cv
GET /:cvId List a cv
PATCH /:cvId Update a paricular cv
DELETE /:cvId Delete a paricular cv

6. Profile Image Main Endpoint: (

a. upload a an image for a particular Alumni

Note: In every request don't forget to send the Autorizaion token in the header As every route is protected! Now let's add a lnguage for the alumni we created above POST request to with the following input:

   "student":"5f201524c652920017ed9eeb", // which is the Id of the alumni
   "image": alumni.jpg

In General CRUD actions on the endpoint ( are :

METHOD ROUTE Description
POST / upload a new image
GET /:cvId List an image
PATCH /:cvId Update a paricular image
DELETE /:cvId Delete a paricular image

7 . Company main Endpoint: (

a. Registering a company

POST request to with the following input:

   "surname": "Katherina",
   "companyName": "Twipe Mobile",
   "password": "123456"

b. login a Company

POST request to with the following input:

    "password": "123456"

In General CRUD actions on the endpoint ( are :

METHOD ROUTE Description
POST /register register a comapny
POST / login login a company
GET /:companyId List a paricular company
PATCH /:companyId list a paricular company

With the company Token ONLY comapnies can ACESS this route (( and get all alumni information. expample

            "cv": [],
            "profileImage": [],
            "userType": "alumni",
            "isActive": true,
            "jobTitle": "frontend",
            "languages": [
                    "rate": "3",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d310",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "language": "english",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d311",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "language": "Dutch",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d312",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "language": "French",
                    "__v": 0
            "skills": [
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d305",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "javascript",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d306",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "CSS",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d304",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "HTML",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d307",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "nodejs",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d308",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "mysql",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d30e",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "react",
                    "__v": 0
                    "rate": "5",
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d314",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "skill": "mongodb",
                    "__v": 0
            "media": [
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d313",
                    "media": "GitHub",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "url": "qwert",
                    "__v": 0
                    "_id": "5f1ec432ffda78001768d316",
                    "media": "LinkedIn",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "url": "qwert",
                    "__v": 0
                    "_id": "5f1ef9bf4e80b70017c8b36a",
                    "media": "GitHub",
                    "student": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
                    "url": "GitHub",
                    "__v": 0
            "projects": [],
            "_id": "5f1ec412ffda78001768d303",
            "name": "Mert",
            "surname": "Demirok",
            "email": "",
            "hash": "569400dc5943bb1d0bfb8280446932e89c43ed4c40bf4696ea1bf3f5a03b02e50066b020853c5c56401043e447ecb5d199668e085efb222c90d3e453414926b8",
            "salt": "5dae040c55ca5cc7831883fab0c39e45c2c4ae6e48cc381da72c253bce0ab86e",
            "registeredDate": "2020-07-27T12:09:54.625Z",
            "__v": 13,
            "about": "I love coding"


RESTful API created with express and mongoose.







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