A github page template for osoc. If you want to use this template, fork it to your /gh-pages branch, break it, fix it, ship it!
No hidden tigers or dragons
It's just html pages. Start fiddling with the index.html to see your project come to life. The css is also just regular css, no compiling needed.
There's a tiny style guide that shows you what elements you have at your disposal.
The site for your project will be: https://osoc20.github.io/[NAMEOFYOURREPO] The site for this template can be found here: https://osoc20.github.io/gh-pages/
- Go to your repo. Make a new branch called "gh-pages".
- Make sure you remove all the files that were in that folder — but the .git folder.
- Copy everything from this gh-pages folder into your gh-pages branch
- Go to "settings" and make sure your gh-pages branch is set as github page (you will also find your url here).
- Fiddle with the html and css and party!
Ask your coach or an other owner of your repo to do it for you.
You might have kept the gitignore file. That's okay, just make sure you open it and remove the "css" folder, because it's ignoring the files...