EventGhost plugin for using eSpeak text to speach program.
eSpeak installation does not contain libespeak.dll which is required for this plugin. Portable 32-bit libespeak.dll for eSpeak version 1.48 is supplied with this plugin (in its directory) -- you are free to use and relocate it as eSpeak licence permits.
If you did not run eSpeak installation program, system has no eSpeak registry record and no environment variable ESPEAK_DATA_PATH with the path of the directory which contains the espeak-data directory. You can configure plugin to you use eSpeak without them, just locate espeak-data directory containing data of metioned eSpeak version. The configuration failures will be printed to EventGhost log.
Why not eSpeakNG?
Because original eSpeak has integration with MBROLA:
What's a use case?
When listening to podcasts without display use your remote control with EventGhost to hear the duration/position of/on the track (you certainly can do it with XMPlay audio player). For Lithuanian language use SkaitvardisPlugin and Lithuanian MBROLA voices.