.NET Core 2.0 Web API application
Nuget Dependencies -Newtonsoft.Json -Moq -xUnit
- Open the project in Visual Studio 2017
- Build Solution (F6)
- Execute on IIS Express (F5)
- The website will be published to IIS express and run on a custom port (52801)
Use a HTTP client application, like Postman
To send the first JSon object to the left endpoint, do a POST request like:
{ POST /api/v1/diff/left HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:52801 Accept: application/json Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache "eyJwcm9wMSI6ICJ2YWwxIiwgInByb3AyIjogInZhbDJhIiwgInByb3AzIjogInZhbDMifQ==" }
where the last line is the json object converted to base64 string, being passed on the body If input is invalid, a BadRequest response will be returned If it was accepted, an OK response will be returned -
To send the second JSon object to the right endpoint, do a POST request like:
{ POST /api/v1/diff/right HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:52801 Content-Type: application/json Cache-Control: no-cache "eyJwcm9wMSI6ICJ2YWwxIiwgInByb3AyIjogInZhbDQiLCAicHJvcDQiOiAidmFsNCJ9" }
where the last line is the json object converted to base64 string, being passed on the body If input is invalid, a BadRequest response will be returned If it was accepted, an OK response will be returned -
Before performing the diff, you can override any of the two json values by sending new POST requests
To compare both objects, do a GET request like:
{ GET /api/v1/diff/ HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:52801 Cache-Control: no-cache }
Response will be like:{ "areEqual": false, "differences": [ "prop2", "prop3", "prop4" ] }