A pointless project I'm working on to learn about asynchronous Python.
At the moment it's a dungeon-cum-chatroom, where you can arbitrarily kill people. Connect via command-line telnet connection.
There is geography! Do stuff like this:
DUNGEON ADMIN: You are currently in "Lobby"
!describe here
This dungeon is empty apart from you.
!move forward
!turn left
!turn left
!move forward
DUNGEON ADMIN: You entered Lobby.
DUNGEON ADMIN: This dungeon is empty apart from you.
You can bump people off
!kill Tony
DUNGEON ADMIN: You killed Tony. That's mean.
And revive them:
!resuscitate Tony
DUNGEON ADMIN: You've brought Tony back to life. What a blessing.
- There are now two bots. (You will have to find where they are.)
You need Python 3.6 installed. There aren't any requirements to install with pip at the moment.
Just run:
$ python3 run.py
Then fire up telnet in another Terminal window:
$ telnet 51234
(or whatever IP address it is)
$ telnet 51234
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
DUNGEON ADMIN: Welcome. Please type your name:
Then type your name and press Enter to log in.
DUNGEON ADMIN: You are all alone in the dungeon at the moment. (HAHAHA)
Then get all your mates to connect, as a chatroom with optional killing is a bit pointless otherwise.
Once connected, you will be asked to enter your name.
Then, just type to chat, as if this were a normal chatroom.
Commands are preceded by an exclamation mark(!) — because RiscOS executables used ! in the same way — e.g. :
DUNGEON ADMIN: You jumped ! (Not sure why.)
Some commands support arguments. Read the source code.
!jump really fucking high in the sky
DUNGEON ADMIN: You jumped really fucking high in the sky! (Not sure why.)
- rename a whole bunch of classes to be more sane
- multiple rooms
- objects
- more stuff to do
- bots
- buzzards and plinths
- The buzzard-plinth business is because I made an earlier version of this in JavaScript with only one person and the optional task of putting a buzzard on a plinth in the shortest space of time. (The trick was to move the plinth to the buzzard.)