OpenVZ Container Backup - for containers using ploop storage
The scripts are meant to provide a backup solution to backup containers that use ploop storage. Traditional storage is not supported by the scripts. The scripts are based on the OpenVZ wiki page regarding image backup:
Backup a container with container ID 200: --suspend=yes --compress=gz 200
--suspend=<yes/no> (Default: no)
This will result in calling vzctl snapshot without the
parameter "--skip-suspend" resulting in a snapshot of
the running container being included in the backup.
If you restore that backup using, you can
resume the container after the restore has finished.
--backup-dir=<Directory> (Default: /store/vzpbackup)
Parameter to change the default backup directory. Either
use the parameter or change the script.
--compress=<Compression> (Default: no(ne))
Allows you to compress the resulting archive file using either
bzip2, pigz, gzip or xz to save some disk space.
This will backup _all_ containers that are currently
configured on the host (Every container returned by
"vzlist -Hoctid"). Currently there is no option to
exclude specific CTIDs from the backup.
Exclude specified CTID from being backed up. Most useful
while using --all
Restore a backup to a new container 250: --archive=/store/vzpbackup/ --container=250
--archive=<PathToBackupArchive> (Default: None)
Specify the backup archive to be restored.
--container=<ContainerID> (Default: None)
Specify the container that the backup shall be restored to.
Confirm what is being done prior execution.
Delete (switch to it and delete it) the snapshot created during
backup creation. Note: Any memory dumps will be lost if you do it
at this stage after restoring the container.
--vzdir=<VZ Directory for VE_PRIVATE and VE_ROOT>
Instead of using the default VE_PRIVATE and VE_ROOT from the
default OpenVZ configuration (/etc/vz/vz.conf), create the
VE_ROOT and VE_PRIVATE in the directory given by the vzdir
- OpenVZ virtual machines using ploop as storage
- uuidgen to create IDs for backups
Author: Andreas Faerber,