NOTE: Development on this project has been stopped. All effort will be put into improving the core React Native library which can be found in the repository
Kotlin wrappers for react-native-navigation by wix and react-native-navigation-drawer-extension
Follow instructions in this repository on how to setup a fully working react native app
After check out the following links on how to install and use navigation and navigation drawer
Use the cli tool below to generate a new Kotlin React Native application.
Proceed to the next step after generating the project.
Run the following command in your projects root directory.
npm install --save react-native-navigation
In your react native application shared module (a kotlin gradle project), update your gradle file to include the following in the respective blocks.
repositories {
dependencies {
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.*
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.AppRegistry
import react.*
import ojaynico.kotlin.react.native.navigation.Navigation
val styles = StyleSheet.create(object {
val body = object {
val backgroundColor = "#FFF"
val text = object {
val fontSize = 24
val fontWeight = "600"
val color = "#000"
class App : RComponent<RProps, RState>() {
override fun RBuilder.render() {
scrollView {
attrs.contentInsetAdjustmentBehavior = "automatic"
view { = styles.body
text("Welcome to Kotlin React Native With Navigation Support") {
style = styles.text
fun main() {
Navigation.registerComponent("MainScreen") { App::class.js }
Navigation.setDefaultOptions(object {
val statusBar = object {
val backgroundColor = "#4d089a"
val topBar = object {
val title = object {
val color = "white"
val backButton = object {
val color = "white"
val background = object {
val color = "#4d089a"
}) {
Navigation.setRoot(object {
val root = object {
val stack = object {
val children = arrayOf(
object {
val component = object {
val name = "MainScreen"
val options = object {
val topBar = object {
val title = object {
val text = "Home"
val color = "white"
val background = object {
val color = "#4d089a"
NOTE: We no-longer use AppRegistry to register our components but we use Navigation component to register it as above
A fully set up and working example can be found in the repository below.