All the necessary yaml files to deploy a generic tekton eventlistener, triggerbindings and triggertemplates, with an example pipeline
This is simple example that uses an eventlistener to trigger a pipeline.
The flow works as follows :
github-webhook (json post) -> openshift-route -> github-webhook-microservice -> eventlistener (pod) -> triggerbinding -> triggertemplate
The diagram below shows the architecture of a typical trigger and the one used in the example
Install the tekton cli and tekton resources before continuing (see
Install tekton triggers (see
git clone
Execute the following commands
N.B - change the variables in the patch-envars.yaml and patch-pvc.yaml files before commencing (as in the comments below)
cd okd-tekton-trigger-example
# create the okd-team namespace (if not already created)
kubectl create ns okd-team
# assume you are logged into your kubernetes cluster
# change the values of the default variables
# as in the following example
# environments/overlays/cicd/patches/patch-envars.yaml
# - TAG_VERSION -> v0.0.1
# environments/overlays/cicd/patches/patch-pvc.yaml
# - PVC_NAME -> manual-pvc
kubectl apply -k environments/overlays/cicd
# check that all resources have deployed
kubectl get all -n okd-team
kubectl get pvc -n okd-team
# once all pods are in the RUNNING status create a configmap as follows
# this assumes you have the correct credentials and have logged into the registry to push images to
kubectl create configmap docker-config --from-file=/$HOME/.docker/config.json -n okd-team
Navigate (webconsole) to the repository that you would like to use the trigger for
Go to Settings -> Webhooks and add Webhook
In the example the route that was created ( is
Add the endpoint to the route url
Leave the secret blank and save
In the microservice I have created 4 various envars to intercept specific events. If left empty the trigger will not be enabled.
The example has the PR_MERGED_URL enabled i.e.
and so the pipeline will only be started on a merged PR
The gitweb-hook repo is here, please fork and change as you please. Also PR's are welcome