is a PHP class library that offers an easy yet powerful way to handle file uploads.
It offers an intuitive way to set constrains to control which files are allowed and which not.
requires PHP version 5.3 or higher.
Here is a typical piece of code to utilize the library.
use Faultier\FileUpload\FileUpload;
use Faultier\FileUpload\UploadError;
$fileUploader = new FileUpload(__DIR__, array(
'size' => '<= 2048',
'type' => '~ image',
'type' => '!~ jpg tiff'
$fileUploader->error(function(UploadError $error) {
# omg!
$fileUploader->save(function($file) {
return 'some/other/dir';
It should be pretty self explanatory. Here is what happens:
When creating a new instance you set the default upload directory as the first argument and an array of constraints as the second argument.
You then register a closure that will be called if any error occurrs while uploading the files.
After these steps you start the upload process. You may pass the save()
method another closure. This way you can manipulate properties of the currently processed file. For example you can set its new name.
If you want the file to be saved in a different directory than the default, then the closure must return the directory to use for the current file.
Closures are used to provide you with information about errors while the upload is in progress. A closure is also used to give you the possibility to manipulate each File
object before it will be uploaded.
The error()
method accepts a closure that will be called if any error occurrs while uploading the file. It will be passed the an UploadError
object that contains the type of error, the error message, the affected file and optionally a constraint that did not hold.
The save()
method accepts a closure that will be called for each file before it will be uploaded. It will be passed the File
object that will be uploaded.
If this method returns a string it will be used as the directory to which the file will be uploaded.
Constraints are used to control that the uploaded files comply with rules that you want to enforce. For example limiting the file size or restricting the mime type to images.
comes with two built-in constraints. SizeConstraint
and TypeConstraint
Like their name suggests they can control the file's size and the file's type.
As you have seen above constraints can easily be added when creating a FileUpload
You just pass the constructor an associative array with the keys containing the constraint's alias and the value being the rules. You can also just pass instances of the constraints.
The SizeConstraint
goes by the alias size
. It has several options to restrict the file size:
- < (less)
- = (equal)
- <= (less equal)
= (greater equal)
So you could, for example, limit the file size to be between 1MB and 2MB like so:
use Faultier\FileUpload\FileUpload;
$up = new FileUpload(__DIR__, array(
'size' => '>= 1024',
'size' => '<= 2048'
The TypeConstraint
goes by the alias type
. It has several options to restrict the type of the file:
- = (equal)
- != (not equal)
- ~ (contains)
- != (contains not)
To restrict the file type to images excluding png and tiff you would write this code:
use Faultier\FileUpload\FileUpload;
$up = new FileUpload(__DIR__, array(
'type' => '~ image',
'type' => '!~ png tiff'
You can separate different types with a space. So it is possible, like in the example above, to apply a rule to more than one type.
If you need additional constraints you can easily create your own ones.
All you have to do is implement the Faultier\FileUpload\Constraint\ConstraintInterface
and register the namespace and alias of your constraint calling the registerConstraintNamespace($namespace, $alias)
method on the FileUpload
Here is an example:
namespace My\Namespace;
use Faultier\FileUpload\Constraint\ConstraintInterface;
class FooConstraint implements ConstraintInterface { ... }
use Faultier\FileUpload\FileUpload;
$up = new FileUpload(__DIR__);
$up->registerConstraintNamespace('My\Namespace\FooConstraint', 'foo');
'foo' => 'some stuff'
The library adopts the PSR-0 namespace convention. This means you can use any autoloader that can handle the convention. You can also use the autoloader that comes with the library:
require_once 'path/to/lib/Faultier/FileUpload/Autoloader.php';
The API can be found in the wiki.