Dynamic Expandable RecyclerView for Android with pretty animations. You can drag an item by entering the darker drag area on the left side of each item. You can swipe an item to dissmiss it by leading it to the left or right edge of the screen.
- You can use Drag & Drop for reordering parent and child items
- You can Swipe to Dismiss for parent and child items
- You can customize parent and child layouts
- You can dynamically add new items
- You can dynamically enable or disable Drag & Drop and Swipe to Dismiss for parent and/or child items
- Easily add new rules for adding and reordering items
Just copy the classes, the layouts and the content of the .txt files to your project.
Start checking out DemoActivity.java. Snippet:
/*Generate some data. 5 parents. Each parent has 5 childelements.*/
for(int i = 1; i < 6; i++){
List<Child> children = new ArrayList<>();
for(int j = 1; j < 6; j++)
children.add(new Child("Child " + j + " from Parent " + i));
parentList.add(new Parent("Parent " + i, children));
/*Setup the recyclerview with the generated data.*/
ExpRecyclerView expRecyclerView = new ExpRecyclerView(
(RecyclerView) findViewById(R.id.exp_view),
(TextView) findViewById(R.id.empty_view), //(optional param) if no items are in the list show a TextView "List is empty"
/*Add data dynamically*/
List<Child> addedChildren = new ArrayList<>();
addedChildren.add(new Child("Dynamically added child 1"));
Parent addedParent = new Parent("Dynamically added parent", addedChildren);
Child addedChild = new Child("Dynamically added child 2");
Enable or disable Drag & Drop and Swipe dynamically:
If you need custom rules for adding, reordering and dismissing items modify ExpRecyclerView.class's addParent, addChild, ... methods.