where to align a flexible containers items within the flex container
basic possible vals: start, center, space-between, space-around, end
normal val: norml
baseline aligning vals: baseline, first baseline, last baseline
distributed aligning vals: stretch, space-evenly
overflow aligning vals: safe center, unsafe center
global vals: inherit, initial, unset
default alignment or items within the flex container
alignment for selected items within the flex container
specify the keyframe-based animation
when should the animation start
whether or not to play the animation in reverse or no
how long to play one cycle of anim val should in s or ms
/* none: no styles applied before or after animation plays
* forwards: apply the style of the last keyframe if forwards then 100% if backwards then 0%
* backwards: apply the style of the first keyframe if forwards then 0% if backwards then 100%
* both: animation will follow the rules of both backwards and forwards
@keyframes myanim{
0%{background-color: red;}
25%{background-color: green;}
50%{background-color: blue;}
100%{background-color: orange;}
/*Remember the 100% or the animation will only display from 0 to 50 and not loop*/
how many times to play the animation before stop
name given to @keyframes defined anim that should be applied to an element
run or pause the anim
do/do not display backside of a tranformed element when facing user
background: url(alan_loves2.gif) left top no-repeat, url(alan_loves_compilers.gif) right bottom no-repeat, url(pintos.gif) left top repeat;
background size: 50px, 130px, auto
whether the bg image is fixed in the viewport or scroll
how the background image is tiled
color of the bottom border of an element
how to make an element circular
give a container a shadow
direction of the flexible items
float: left;
width: 33.33% /*3 containers use 25% for four, 20% for five ..*/
padding: 5px;
color: red; /*styling an unvisited link*/
color: purple; /*styling a visted link*/
color: green; /*When I hover my mouse over the link the hyperlink will turn green*/
a: active{
color: blue; /*The color the hyperlink changes to the moment I press it*/
list-style: /*list-style-type list-style-position:positionofmarker list-style-image*/
list-style: disc inside url("images/alan568372.png");
to center
width: fixed;
/*to center element horizontally assign the margin value to auto*/
opacity: 0.25;
width: 100%;/*Take up all the available space*/
height: auto;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
padding: top, right bottom left;
padding: top, rightleft, bottom;
padding: topbottom, rightlef;
padding-bottom: ;
padding-top: ;
padding-left: ;
padding-right ;
background: #ffe400; /*Changes the highlighter color to yellow*/
color: black; /*Text will be black when we highlight it with yellow background*/
direction: rtl;
font-size: 15vh;
background-image: url(https://i.picsum.photos/id/1038/3914/5863);
background-size: cover; /*make sure it goes through all the text and it doesn't repeat*/
background-clip: text;
--webkit-background-clip: text; /*This will cut the whole background and leave only the text*/
color: transparent; /*This will replace the color and make the background of the text be the background of an image or a video*/
Tab-Size: length of tab character ..... integer(#of spaces) | length(width of tab) | initial(default) | inherit
-moz-tab-size: 3; /*Firefox*/
-o-tab-size: 3; /*Opera*/
tab-size: 3; /*Any other browser*/
text-decoration: overline;
width: 150px;
word-break: break-all;
Display vals: inline|block|contents|flex|flow|flow-root|grid|inline-block
| inline-flex| inline-grid | inline-table | list-item | run-in | table | table-caption |
table-column-group| table-header-group | table-footer-group | table-row-group | table-cell|
|table-column | table-row | none| initial | inherit|
display: flex;
possible vals:
/*possible vals: length(integer), normal, initial inherit*/
word-spacing: 50px;