Browslyze is a Simple browser but it analyse categorizes of your urls , So you can see your interests and categorizes you always browsing it .
App Published on Google Play :
App Features :
- Authentication using google account
- Browse your favorite sites
- Analysing your visited sites
- know your favorite categories through a pie chart
Code Features :
Applied The single-responsibility principle of OOD
Navigation graph for fragments and app contains only one activity
User data saved in real-time database (Firebase)
User Login using Firebase Authentication with google account
Api requests made with retrofit
Binding views using butterknife
Tried to make a simple design pattern for the project by classifying into 3 parts ( network layer , logic, ui )
Layouts made with constraint layout and guidelines
Fonts used from google fonts
Icons from
Material theme used .
User image represent in Circle imageview loaded by picasso
pie chart represent user categories
Broadcast receiver for checking internet connection
Snackbar for representing broadcast receiver result
An Interstitial Ad by admob when typing an url in browser
Used libraries :
- Firebase Authentication , Real-time database , Ads
- Navigation Graph
- Retrofit 2
- Butterknife
- Circle imageview
- Picasso
- MPAndroidChart