omeClust is a clustering method that detects clusters of features using omics data and scores metadata (resolution score) based on their influences in clustering. The similarity of features within each cluster can be different (different resolution). Resolution of similarity score takes to account not only similarity between measurements and also the structure in a hierarchical structure of data and number of features which group together.
Ali Rahnavard, Suvo Chatterjee, Bahar Sayoldin, Keith A. Crandall, Fasil Tekola-Ayele, and Himel Mallick (2021). Omics community detection using multi-resolution clustering. Bioinformatics, 37(20):3588-3594,
- Please see the Workshop for a one hour workshop.
- Features
- omeClust
- Getting Started with omeClust
- Guides to omeClustviz for visualization
- Tutorials for distance calculation
- Real world examples
- Tools
- Support
Generality: omeClust uses distance matrix as input, to allow users decide about appropriate distance metric for their data.
A simple user interface (single command driven flow)
- The user only needs to provide a distance matrix file and a metadata file (optional)
A complete report including main outputs:
- A text file of clusters and related information is provided as output in a tab-delimited file,
- Ordination plots (PCoA, PCA, MDS, and t-SNE), heatmap,and network plot are provides for ease of interpretation
- Discretized metadata that has been used for enrichment score calculation
- A text file of clusters and related information is provided as output in a tab-delimited file,
- First install conda
Go to the Anaconda website and download the latest version for your operating system. - For Windows users: do not forget to add
to your systempath
- Second is to check for conda availability
open a terminal (or command line for Windows users) and run:
conda --version
it should out put something like:
conda 4.10.3
if not, you must make conda available to your system for further steps. if you have problems adding conda to PATH, you can find instructions here.
If you are using an Apple M1/M2 MAC please go to the Apple M1/M2 MAC for installation
If you have a working conda on your system, you can safely skip to step three.
If you are using windows, please make sure you have both git and Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater installed.
install git
Microsoft C++ build tools
In case you face issues with this step, this link may help you.
- Create a new conda environment (let's call it omeClust_env) with the following command:
conda create --name omeClust_env python=3.12.3
- Activate your conda environment:
conda activate omeClust_env
- Install omeClust: install with pip:
pip install omeClust
or you can directly install if from GitHub:
python -m pip install git+
- Update/install Xcode Command Line Tools
xcode-select --install
- Install Brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install libraries for brew
brew install cmake libomp
- Install miniforge
brew install miniforge
- Close the current terminal and open a new terminal
- Create a new conda environment (let's call it omeClust_env) with the following command:
conda create --name omeClust_env python=3.12.3
- Activate the conda environment
conda activate omeClust_env
- Finally, install omeClust: install with pip:
pip install omeClust
or you can directly install if from GitHub:
python -m pip install git+
To test if omeClust is installed correctly, you may run the following command in the terminal:
omeClust -h
Which yields omeClust command line options.
$ omeClust -h
usage: omeClust [-h] [--version] [-i INPUT] -o OUTPUT [-m SIMILARITY] [--metadata METADATA] [-n ESTIMATED_NUMBER_OF_CLUSTERS] [--size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT]
[-c {single,average,complete,weighted,centroid,median,ward}] [--plot] [--resolution {high,medium,low}] [--enrichment {nmi,freq}] [-v]
Multi-resolution clustering using hierarchical clustering and Silhouette score.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR
a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
the output directory
similarity measurement {default spearman, options: spearman, nmi, ami, dmic, mic, pearson, dcor}
--metadata METADATA Rows are features and each column is a metadata
estimated number of clusters
--size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT
Minimum size of cluster to be plotted
-c {single,average,complete,weighted,centroid,median,ward}, --linkage_method {single,average,complete,weighted,centroid,median,ward}
linkage clustering method method {default = complete, options average, complete
--plot dendrogram plus heatmap
--resolution {high,medium,low}
Resolution c . Low resolution is good when clusters are well separated clusters.
--enrichment {nmi,freq}
enrichment method.
-v, --verbose additional output is printed
The two required input parameters are:
-i or --input:
a distance matrix. Th input is a symmetric distance matrix in a format of a tab-delimited text file ofn * n
is number of features (e.g. metabolites, stains, microbial species, individuals).--output-folder
: a folder containing all the output files
Also, user can specify a metadata input to find enrichment score for each metadata
: a tab-delimited text file withn
rows for features names andm
columns for metadata
A list of all options are provided in #options section.
the main output is the clusters.txt
a a tab-delimited text file that each row is a cluster with following columns.
- cluster: includes cluster/community IDs started with C.
- members: members of a cluster.
- resolution_score: an score defined for each cluster calculated as harmonic mean of number of cluster and condensed distance of cluster branch in hierarchy. We used 0.05 as threshold to call a cluster as a major cluster.
- Meta1: if metadata is provides this is the first metadata that is enriched in cluster and is reported as most influential metadata on clusters structure.
- Meta2: the second most influential metadata. (Metadata2 is a name of a column in metadata if if it is provided).
- Download the input: Distance matrix and metadata)
if you use command line (e.g. to run it on a remote server) use curl
or wget
Download metadata:
curl -o ./truth_4_0.001_4_200.txt
Download distance matrix:
curl -o ./dist_4_0.001_4_200.txt
Run omeClust in command line with input
$ omeClust -i dist_4_0.001_4_200.txt --metadata truth_4_0.001_4_200.txt -o omeclust_demo --plot
Check your output folder Here we show the PCoA, PCoA 3D, network, and t-SNE plots from omeClust generated plots.
Below is an example output clusters.txt
file, we only showing teh five members of each cluster for purpose of saving space:
Cluster | Members | n | resolution_score | branch_condensed_distance | Ground truth | Gender | Age
C4 | S185;S179;S160;S182;S155 | 54 | 0.346298577 | 0.517295151 | 1 | 0.103361176 | 0.025490005
C2 | S65;S102;S72;S88;S73 | 52 | 0.35782405 | 0.426337551 | 1 | 0.103361176 | 0.025490005
C3 | S13;S28;S12;S37;S25 | 51 | 0.330115156 | 0.53203748 | 1 | 0.103361176 | 0.025490005
C1 | S129;S113;S132;S122;S131 | 43 | 0.321199973 | 0.365275944 | 1 | 0.103361176 | 0.025490005
- File name:
- This file details the clusters. Features are grouped in clusters.
: a column contains clusters names that each cluster name starts withC
following with a number.Members
: has one or more features that participate in the cluster.n
: this value is corresponding tobinary silhouette score
introduced in this work.resolution_score
: this value is corresponding tobinary silhouette score
introduced in this work.branch_condensed_distance
: this value is corresponding tocondensed distance
of a cluster branch in hierarchy.Ground truth
: is a metadata that has the actual membership of features in synthetic data and it was most influential metadata with normalized mutual information (NMI) 1. omeClust uses NMI between metadata categories and labels of detected clusters (communities) as an enrichment score for each metadata.Gender
: is the second influential metadata with NMI 0.1.Age
: Age is has less overlap with clusters. omeClust discretize continuous (numeric) metadata to calculate enrichment score.
- Basic usage:
$ omeClustviz /path-to-omeClust-output/adist.txt /path-to-omeClust-output/clusters.txt --metadata metadata.txt --shapeby meta1 -o /path-to-omeClust-output/
= an distance matrix that used for clusteringclusters.txt
= an omeClust output which assigns features to clustersmetadata.txt
: is metadata file which contains metadata for featuresmeta1
: is a metadata in the metadata file to be used for shaping points in the ordination plot- Run with
to see additional command line options
Produces a set of ordination plots for features colored by computational clusters and shaped by metadata.
$ omeClustviz -h
usage: omeClustviz [-h] [--metadata METADATA] [--shapeby SHAPEBY] -o OUTPUT [--size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT] [--fig-size FIG_SIZE FIG_SIZE] [--point-size POINT_SIZE] [--show] adist clusters
omeClust visualization script.
positional arguments:
adist the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR
a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order)
clusters the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR
a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--metadata METADATA metadata
--shapeby SHAPEBY the input file D*N, Rows: D features and columns: N samples OR
a distance matrix file D*D (rows and columns should be the same and in the same order)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
the output directory
--size-to-plot SIZE_TO_PLOT
Minimum size of cluster to be plotted
--fig-size FIG_SIZE FIG_SIZE
width and height of plots
--point-size POINT_SIZE
width and height of plots
--show show ordination plot before save
$ python3
from omeClust import cluster_generator
from omeClust import dataprocess
nX = 100
nY = 100
nSamples = 50
X,Y,A = cluster_generator.circular_block(nSamples = nSamples, nX =nX, nY = nY, nBlocks =5, noiseVar = 0.1,
... blockIntraCov = 0.3, offByOneIntraCov = 0.0,
... blockInterCov = 0.2, offByOneInterCov = 0.0,
... holeCov = 0.3, holeProb = .25)
# wite file
dataprocess.write_table(X, name= '/your-file-path/' + 'X_'+ str(nSamples) + '_' + str(nX) + '.txt', prefix="Feature")
dataprocess.write_table(Y, name= '/your-file-path/' + 'Y_'+ str(nSamples) + '_' + str(nY) + '.txt', prefix="Feature")
rowheader = ['Feature'+ str(i) for i in range(0, nX)]
colheader = ['Feature'+ str(i) for i in range(0, nY)]
dataprocess.write_table(A, name= '/your-file-path/' + 'A_'+ str(nX) + '_' + str(nY) +'.txt', prefix="Feature", colheader = colheader, rowheader = rowheader)
function returns two datasets X
and Y
, and also
matrix for relationships between features among these two datasets.
Here is a description for parameters of the function for properties of the datasets and spiked relationship within and between datasets:
: number of samples in each datasets (appers as columns)nX
: number of features in each datasets (appears as rows of X)nY
: number of features in each datasets (appears as rows of Y)nBlocks
: number of clusters in each datasetnoiseVar
: noise variable between [0.0..1.0], 0.0 refers to no noiseblockIntraCov
: specifies covariance between features within a clusteroffByOneIntraCov
: specifies covariance between features among clusters between datasetsoffByOneInterCov
omeClust is a genric tools and users can calculate a distance matrix using any appropriate method for their omics data and provide it as the input to omeClust. Here we provide methods for several omics applications.
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) file can be used to measure dissimilarity between genomes or strains. We have used this approch to investigate Coronavirus strains and microbial strains.
Below is demo code in R
to calculate dissimalrity between aligned sequnces in a fasta
format MSA file
#read FASTA file
seq <- read.FASTA('data/Campylobacter_showae.fasta')
# distance calculation
D <- dist.dna(seq, model = "TN93", gamma = F, variance = TRUE,
pairwise.deletion = TRUE,
base.freq = NULL, as.matrix = TRUE)
# write distance matrix to a file taht can be used as input for omeClust
write.table( D, 'distance_matrix.txt', sep = "\t", eol = "\n", na = "", col.names = NA, quote= F, row.names = T)
##### load data from GWDBB package #####
# 1- install GWDBB package
# 2- load HMP1-II metadata
# 3- See teh data: there is mislocation of headers du to space in a clumn header
# 4- fix the headers
colnames(HMP1_II_Metadata) <- c("Person_ID", "VISNO", "Body_area", "Body_site", "SNPRNT", "Gender", "WMSPhase")
# 5- slect meatadata of interest
my_HMP_metadata <- HMP1_II_Metadata[,c("Body_area", "Body_site", "Gender")]
# 6- write the meatdata in you computer as a tab-delimited file
write.table( my_HMP_metadata, 'data/my_HMP_metadata.txt', sep = "\t", eol = "\n", na = "", col.names = NA, quote= F, row.names = T)
# 7- load HMP1-II microbial species abundances
HMP1_II_Microbial_Species <- t(HMP1_II_Microbial_Species)
# 8- calculate simailrty between samples based on microbial species abundance
veg_dist <- as.matrix(vegdist(HMP1_II_Microbial_Species, method="bray"))
# 9- write the in you computer as a tab-delimited file
write.table( veg_dist, 'data/HMP_disatnce.txt', sep = "\t", eol = "\n", na = "", col.names = NA, quote= F, row.names = T)
# 10- run the tool using HMP1-II data and metadata using
$ omeClust -i HMP_disatnce.txt --metadata my_HMP_metadata.txt -o HMP_omeClust
- Please submit your questions or issues with the software at Issues tracker.