By using Chrome Extension Python, you agree to comply with all applicable local and international laws. The developers of Chrome Extension Python will not be held liable for any misuse of this software. It is the user's sole responsibility to ensure adherence to all relevant laws, and to use Chrome Extension Python in an ethical and legal manner, in line with both local and international regulations.
We take the privacy and security of the Chrome Extension Python Project very seriously. If you have discovered a security vulnerability or have concerns about the project, we appreciate your assistance in responsibly disclosing it to us.
To report a security issue or express a concern, please email Chetan Jain at We will promptly respond to your concerns.
This project is provided for ethical and legal purposes only. It must be used in compliance with all relevant local and international laws and is not intended for unauthorized or illegal use.
For questions regarding this security policy or the security of the Chrome Extension Python Project, please contact
The information in this
is provided "as is," without any kind of warranty.