You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 12
There are 3 different objects to interact with.
- wraps operations with WebView DOM document (execute JS script and etc). -
- represents a DOM element. Provides operations with element (webClick
etc) -
- represents a list of similar WebElements.
It contains a set of static methods. For example
UltronWebDocument.evalJS("document.getElementById(\"title\").innerHTML = '$title';")
Full list:
forceJavascriptEnabled(webViewMatcher, timeoutMs, ..) // performs a force enable of Javascript on a WebView
evalJS(script: String, webViewMatcher, timeoutMs, ..) // evaluate JS on webView
assertThat(WebAssertion, webViewMatcher, ..) // use any webAssertion to assert it safely
selectActiveElement(..): ElementReference // finds the currently active element in the document
selectFrameByIndex(index: Int, ..): WindowReference // selects a subframe of the currently selected window by it's index
selectFrameByIdOrName(idOrName: String, ..): WindowReference // selects a subframe of the current window by it's name or id
has a list of factory methods that help us to create an instance of UltronWebElement. Full list is here - UltronWebElement
import com.atiurin.ultron.core.espressoweb.webelement.UltronWebElement.Companion.id
//other imports
xpath("some_xpath_link").hasAttribute("href", "https://github.com/alex-tiurin/ultron")
It's preferable to use id
or xpath
to create UltronWebElement
instance because they provide very profitable method hasAttribute
Full operations list
clearElement() // clears content from an editable element
replaceText(String) // simulates javascript clear and key events sent to a certain element
webKeys(String) // simulates javascript key events sent to a certain element
getText() // returns the visible text beneath a given DOM element
webScrollIntoView() // executes scroll to view
webScrollIntoViewBoolean() // returns if the desired element is in view after scrolling
webClick() // simulates the javascript events to click on a particular element
containsText(String) // asserts that DOM element contains visible text beneath it self
exists() // asserts that element exists in webView
hasText(String) // asserts that DOM element has visible text beneath it self
hasAttribute(String, Matcher<String>) // assert any html attribute value
assertThat(WebAssertion) // use any webAssertion to assert it safely
isSuccess(block: UltronWebElement.() -> Unit) // transforms any action or assertion to Boolean value
reset() // removes the Element and Window references from this interaction
//------ general ------
withTimeout(timeoutMs: Long) // set custom timeout
withResultHandler(resultHandlerBlock) // provides the ability to process operation result in custom way
withContextual(UltronWebElement) // set a parent element
withAssertion(assertion: OperationAssertion) // define custom assertion of action success
withAssertion(name: String = "", isListened: Boolean = false, block: () -> Unit)
It helps to find similar elements.
.find { ultronWebElement ->
ultronWebElement.isSuccess {
It has only 2 usable methods
getElements(): List<UltronWebElement>
getSize(): Int
There is isSuccess
method that allows us to get the result of any operation as boolean value. In case of false it could be executed to long (5 sec by default). So it reasonable to specify custom timeout for some operations.
val isWebElementExist = xpath("some_xpath").isSuccess { withTimeout(2_000).exists() }
if (isWebElementExist) {
//do some reasonable actions
Specify web elements as properties of PageObject class.
object WebViewPage : Page<WebViewPage>() {
private val button = id("button")
private val textInput = id("text_input")
private val title = xpath("some_xpath")
Use this properties in page steps
object WebViewPage : Page<WebViewPage>() {
//page elements
fun someUserStepOnWebView(expectedEventText: String){
It's described in another page here