This package is aiming to host the Data Look Wordpress custom files. The blog is not so heavily edited as datalook.io, neverthless in case there is some contribution it mimics the development structure from dalook.io
Following this the blog is divided in 2 repositories. Both needs to be clone to run the application on localhost. Below I guide you how to archive this.
##Developer Setup
I assume you have already installed a LAMP stack in your local machine. otherwise more info here (I offer you one guide but you can google to find more help): https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu
First fork your own copy of https://github.com/opendataforgood/WordPress This forked is regular basis updated with wordpress upstream.
Once you did it clone your forked in your local machine and create a new branch:
git clone https://github.com/<your_account>/WordPress.git
git checkout -b data-look-blog
sudo git push origin data-look-blog
i will keep updated wordpress core files regulary, just remember to update yourfrom the original from time to time.
Now get the repository with all the custom code for Data Look
As before first fork it from https://github.com/opendataforgood/wordpress-datalook.git and clone i in your local machine https://github.com/<your_account>/wordpress-datalook.git
Now we have to link both the custom content to the wordpress Repository so go to your Wordpress working copy folder and from there run the following command:
ln -s /path/to/your/wordpress-datalook/wp-content wp-content
then we only left ignore some files (only if you have a Mac)
and create the following directory in your working copy for uploading images
cd wp-content/
mkdir uploads
This command creates a symlink on your Wordpress working copy to the custom datebook files that you already has checked out. So, Wordpress folder contains already all the files for running Wordpress.
You have to keep up-to-date this fork from the original as well (more info how to archive this bottom)
##Configuring Wordpress and importing dump
After having the last code we have to create and configure wordpress in localhost and import a fresh dump from poduction in case we want having live data for testing. (TODO)
##Updating your fork repo:
follow this useful guide: http://www.hpique.com/2013/09/updating-a-fork-directly-from-github/