DI-smartcross is an open-source Decision Intelligence platform for Traffic Crossing Signal Control task. DI-smartcross applies several Reinforcement Learning policies training & evaluation for the traffic signal control system in provided road nets. DI-smartcross is application platform under OpenDILab.
DI-smartcross uses DI-engine, a Reinforcement Learning platform, to build RL experiments. DI-smartcross uses SUMO (Simulation of Urban MObility) and CityFlow traffic simulator packages to run signal control simulation.
DI-smartcross supports:
- Single-Agent and Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
- Synthetic and Real roadnet, Arterial and Grid network shape
- Customizable observation, action and reward types
- Easily achieve Multi-Environment Parallel, Actor-Learner Asynchronous Parallel when training with DI-engine
DI-smartcross supports SUMO version >= 1.6.0. You can refer to
SUMO documentation or follow our installation guidance in
CityFlow can be installed and compiled from source code. You can clone their repo and run pip install .
Then, DI-smartcross is able to be installed from the source code.
Simply run pip install .
in the root folder of this repository.
This will automatically install DI-engine as well.
pip install -e . --user
DI-smartcross provides simple entry for RL training and evaluation. DI-smartcross supports DQN, Off-policy PPO and Rainbow DQN RL methods with multi-discrete actions for each crossing, as well as multi-agent RL policies in which each crossing is handled by a individual agent. A set of default DI-engine configs is provided for each policy. You can check the document of DI-engine to get detailed instructions on these configs.
Here we show RL training sript for sumo envs, same with cityflow env.
- train RL policies
Example of running DQN in sumo wj3 env with default config.
sumo_train -e smartcross/envs/sumo_wj3_default_config.yaml -d entry/config/sumo_wj3_dqn_default_config.py
Example of running PPO in cityflow grid env with default config.
cityflow_train -e ./smartcross/envs/cityflow_grid/cityflow_grid_config.json -d entry/cityflow_config/cityflow_grid_ppo_default_config.py
- evaluate existing policies
Example of running random policy in wj3 env.
sumo_eval -p random -e smartcross/envs/sumo_wj3_default_config.yaml
Example of running fix policy in cityflow grid env.
cityflow_eval -e smartcross/envs/cityflow_grid/cityflow_auto_grid_config.json -d entry/cityflow_config/cityflow_eval_default_config.py -p fix
It is rerecommended to refer to documation for detailed information.
|-- .flake8
|-- .gitignore
|-- .style.yapf
|-- README.md
|-- format.sh
|-- modify_traci_connect_timeout.sh
|-- setup.py
|-- docs
| |-- .gitignore
| |-- Makefile
| |-- figs
| |-- source
|-- entry
| |-- cityflow_eval
| |-- cityflow_train
| |-- sumo_eval
| |-- sumo_train
| |-- cityflow_config
| |-- sumo_config
|-- smartcross
|-- __init__.py
|-- envs
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- cityflow_env.py
| |-- crossing.py
| |-- sumo_arterial7_default_config.yaml
| |-- sumo_arterial7_multi_agent_config.yaml
| |-- sumo_env.py
| |-- sumo_wj3_default_config.yaml
| |-- sumo_wj3_multi_agent_config.yaml
| |-- action
| |-- cityflow_grid
| |-- obs
| |-- reward
| |-- sumo_arterial_7roads
| |-- sumo_wj3
| |-- tests
| |-- test_cityflow_env.py
| |-- test_sumo_env.py
|-- policy
| |-- __init__.py
| |-- default_policy.py
| |-- tests
| |-- test_policy.py
|-- utils
|-- config_utils.py
|-- env_utils.py
We appreciate all contributions to improve DI-smartcross, both algorithms and system designs. Welcome to OpenDILab community! Scan the QR code and add us on Wechat:
Or you can contact us with slack or email (opendilab@pjlab.org.cn).
DI-smartcross released under the Apache 2.0 license.
title={{DI-smartcross: OpenDILab} Decision Intelligence platform for Traffic Crossing Signal Control},
author={DI-smartcross Contributors},
publisher = {GitHub},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/opendilab/DI-smartcross}},