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Frequently Asked Questions

jeremy-b edited this page Jan 18, 2024 · 10 revisions

GeoClimate reports "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"

As the error message suggests, you have run out of memory on your GeoClimate instance. Increase it with the following arguments :

java -Xmx1024m -jar geoclimate.jar -f myconfigFile.json


How to increase the size of the data downloaded from OSM ?

In the "input" section of your configuration file, you need to add the "timeout", "maxsize" and "area" keywords and the corresponding value of your choice:

"input" : [
                        "locations" : ["Pont-de-Veyle"],
                        "timeout" : 900,
                        "area": 1000

For more information about "timeout" and "maxsize" keywords, have a look here and for "area" look here.

How to force the SRID with the BDTopo workflow ?

Sometimes the prj file does not contain any information about the EPSG code as defined here If the input files set to GeoClimate doesn't have a SRID then GeoClimate abort the process. To fix this problem you can either modify the prj or set a srid parameter as below. SRID value will be forced for all input geometries. Make sure you are in the right coordinate reference system before using this parameter.

"input" : [
                        "locations" : ["Pont-de-Veyle"],
                        "srid" : 2154,

How to use GeoClimate with proxy configuration ?

Depending on networking environments, particularly corporate ones, you must have to deal with proxy configuration.

If you run Geoclimate with a Groovy script, tune the proxy just like that

System.getProperties().put("proxySet", true);
System.getProperties().put("proxyHost", "proxyUrl");
System.getProperties().put("proxyPort", "proxyPort");

If you use the Geoclimate CLI try this :

java -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080  -jar  Geoclimate.jar -f osm_geoclimate.json

if nothing works, please contact your system administrator ;-)

Groovy version issue

Using the groovyConsole, you may meet this error:

Exception thrown groovy.lang.GroovyRuntimeException: Conflicting module versions. Module [groovy-sql is loaded in version 3.0.14 and you are trying to load version 3.0.11

What groovy tries to tell you is that you should use groovy 3.0.11. To solve that we recommend:

  1. Download sdk
  2. display the list of groovy installed versions:

sdk list groovy

  1. if the default one is not the one you want, you need to do:

sdk default groovy 3.0.11 (for example)

  1. if this version is not install you will have to install it:

sdk install groovy 3.0.11

If you want to install a version not directly dowloadable (for example 3.0.0-rc-2):

Then in a terminal, you point the folder where you have unzip your groovy version and you give him an alias (e.g. 3.0.0-rc-2SNAP): sdk install groovy 3.0.0-rc-2SNAP /home/decide/Software/groovy-3.0.0-rc-2

How to custom log messages with GeoClimate CLI ?

GeoClimate CLI introduces a -l command to custom the messages printed by GeoClimate.

//Shows info messages
java  -jar geoclimate.jar -f myconfigFile.json -l info

//Shows debug messages
java  -jar geoclimate.jar -f myconfigFile.json -l debug

//Shows trace messages
java  -jar geoclimate.jar -f myconfigFile.json -l trace

//Turn off all messages
java  -jar geoclimate.jar -f myconfigFile.json -l off

Note that the log level info, debug, trace, off is applied for all loggers loaded by GeoClimate including third party libraries.

The default log level is set to info.

How to compile the GeoClimate wiki documentation in PDF ?

Install the Github Wikito Converter avaible at

# Clone the wiki documentation
 git clone
# Convert the folder
 gwtc -t "GeoClimate 1.0.0 documentation" --pdf-page-count --footer "GeoClimate - documentation 2020 - 2024 - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International. " -f pdf ./ -n GeoClimate_1.0.0_documentation

Combine the resulting pdf with the pdf first page (first updating versions and dates).

Clone this wiki locally