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737 repositories
- This example shows how to exchange data between the AVR DU microcontroller and a host computer using the USB Communication Device Class (CDC).
- Firmware for the AVR16EB32 stepper motor reference design.
- Control a Peltier device with a PIC16F17146 to regulate the temperature of a metal plate.
- This repository is a training module covering basics of GPIO, TCA, TCB, events, USART, CCL and PIT to create simple applications for the ATtinyAVR 1-series.
- Example describing the basic functionality of the ADC in tinyAVR 1-series.
- This solution demonstrates the implementation of a Dual Active Bridge (DAB) application using Microchip's dsPIC33C device for automotive On-Board Charger applications, featuring a versatile DC-DC Dual Active Bridge Development Platform with organized components, and compatibility with various dsPIC33 plug-in modules for flexible testing and use.
Public- This code example demonstrates the Virtual Serial functionality of the Communication Device Class (CDC) using the USB 2.0 device peripheral on the AVR DU family of MCUs.
- This code example demonstrates using the Communication Device Class (CDC) as a bridge to USART using the USB 2.0 device peripheral on the AVR DU family of MCUs.
- Example for a BLDC Motor Control application, using the new AVR-EB family of devices. Trapezoidal drive-motor synchronisation with sensored or sensorless feedback, start ramp and multiple fault sources.
- These MPLAB X MCC examples in Getting Started with Analog Signal Conditioning (OPAMP) (TB3286), show how the OPAMP can be used on the AVR DB family of microcontrollers. The OPAMP peripheral features up to three internal operational amplifiers.
- These MPLAB X bare metal examples in Getting Started with Analog Signal Conditioning (OPAMP) (TB3286), show how the OPAMP can be used on the AVR DB family of microcontrollers. The OPAMP peripheral features up to three internal operational amplifiers.
- This code example demonstrates the HID Mouse class using the USB 2.0 device peripheral on the AVR DU family of MCUs
- This repository contains a MPLAB® X project, a LCR meter implementation using the internal resources of PIC18F56Q71 microcontroller.
- Using an MLX90632 FIR sensor, the AVR DD will calculate the room temperature and print the value to a UART.
- Implementation of FatFs on a PIC18F56Q71 microcontroller with a memory card.
- Implementation of Petit FatFs on a PIC18F56Q71 microcontroller with a memory card.