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Kafka Audit Security ACLs

The objective of this project is to test Audit Logs (audit topic & log files) the authorization of topics and the behavior of a client when being authorized / not authorized by the broker.

Note: By default the audit information authorizationInfo is out to an internal topic. This behaviour is not suitable if you want to use something like metricbeat to index this information.


This project has a dependency on a running Elastic stack We use the network created in this project to send data from filebeat to Elastic

$ git clone
$ cd docker-elk
$ docker-compose up --build

Environment startup

The environment deploys 1 Zookeeper and 1 Kafka broker, to start this example you can run the following:

To start the environment run:

docker-compose up -d

To stop the environment use (This will delete all volumes to avoid stale ACL configuration in Zookeeper):

docker-compose down -v

Default Configuration

RBAC is disabled to use ACL only:


This test has following override configuration:

      KAFKA_CONFLUENT_SECURITY_EVENT_ROUTER_CONFIG: "{\"routes\":{\"crn:///kafka=*/group=*\":{\"consume\":{\"allowed\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\",\"denied\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\"}},\"crn:///kafka=*/topic=*\":{\"produce\":{\"allowed\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\",\"denied\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\"},\"consume\":{\"allowed\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\",\"denied\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\"}}},\"destinations\":{\"topics\":{\"confluent-audit-log-events\":{\"retention_ms\":7776000000}}},\"default_topics\":{\"allowed\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\",\"denied\":\"confluent-audit-log-events\"},\"excluded_principals\":[\"User:kafka\",\"User:ANONYMOUS\"]}"

which is:

  "routes": {
    "crn:///kafka=*/group=*": {
      "consume": {
        "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
        "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
    "crn:///kafka=*/topic=*": {
      "produce": {
        "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
        "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
      "consume": {
        "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
        "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
  "destinations": {
    "topics": {
      "confluent-audit-log-events": {
        "retention_ms": 7776000000
  "default_topics": {
    "allowed": "confluent-audit-log-events",
    "denied": "confluent-audit-log-events"
  "excluded_principals": [

The Kafka broker is configured with SASL/Plaintext authentication and Zookeeper is configured with SASL/Digest authentication. The brokers are adding ACLs to the Zookeeper nodes when they write and the broker will not allow access to topics without ACLs set (

This is a strict setting and the broker has 3 users configured

  • admin - configured as super user
  • broker - configured as super user
  • producer
  • consumer

The script create_topic creates the topic first-topic and set the ACLs for user producer to write and the user consumer to read from this topic (in the case of the consumer, from any consumer group id).

The JAAS files used to configure the usernames and passwords, as well as the client credentials used by the broker are in the directory security of the repo (and they are mounted as /opt/security in broker and in zookeeper).

The broker will expose the port 9092 as a SASL authenticated port in the localhost.

This testing environment docker-compose.yml is using Confluent docker images 5.5.1 (This may work with older versions) is appeneded to the default configuration which creates a authorizerAppender to log authorization events to /var/log/kafka/kafka-authorizer.log


1. Installing a Kafka client

It is required to have Kafka CLI tool installed to be able to use this environment. The best way to do it in a Mac is:

brew install kafka

2. Create a test topic

Run the ./ script to connect to broker and create the topic with the included ACLs.

3. Producing to the broker

You are now able to produce messages to the topic by running:

kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --producer.config client-properties/ --topic first-topic

The command above assumes that the topic first-topic was created and the ACLs for producing were assigned. To perform this action just run the script

4. Consuming from the broker

Similarly to consumer from the topic:

kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --consumer.config client-properties/ --group test-consumer-group --topic first-topic

The command above assumes that the topic first-topic was created and the ACLs for producing were assigned. To perform this action just run the script

Test Cases

To best understand what audit information is logged we have created the following scenarios for you to test on your own.

Kafka Console CLI Commands

The commands below are executed from the directory where this repo was cloned (due to the client-properties relative directory)

Producer tests

1. No authentication configured
Step Action
Pre-requisites * None
Test Steps * Execute the producer
kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --topic first-topic
(note that the producer.config is not added to cause the authentication mismatch)
Expected Results * Client tries continuously to connect to the broker
Audit Log Nothing logged in kafka-authorizer.log
2. No authorization for the topic
Step Action
Pre-requisites * Remove the producer ACL
kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config client-properties/ --topic first-topic --allow-principal User:producer --producer --remove
Test Steps * Execute the producer with the proper authentication
kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --producer.config client-properties/ --topic first-topic
Expected Results * Client will connect but fail due to produce messages
Audit Log Principal = User:producer is Denied Operation = Describe from host = on resource = Topic:LITERAL:first-topic
3. Remove the authorization from a running producer
Step Action
Pre-requisites * Make sure the producer ACL is in place
Test Steps * Execute the producer with the proper authentication
kafka-console-producer --broker-list localhost:9092 --producer.config client-properties/ --topic first-topic
* Remove the producer ACL
Expected Results * Client start producing normally
* Client will generate one error message for each producing attempt after the ACL removal
Audit Log Principal = User:producer is Denied Operation = Write from host = on resource = Topic:LITERAL:first-topic

Consumer tests

1. No authentication configured
Step Action
Pre-requisites * None
Test Steps * Execute the consumer
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --group test-consumer-group --topic first-topic
(note that the consumer.config is not added to cause the authentication mismatch)
Expected Results * Client tries continuously to connect to the broker
Audit Log Nothing logged in kafka-authorizer.log
2. No authorization for the topic
Step Action
Pre-requisites * Remove the consumer ACL
kafka-acls --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --command-config client-properties/ --topic first-topic --allow-principal User:consumer --consumer --remove --group "*"
Test Steps * Execute the consumer with the proper authentication
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --consumer.config client-properties/ --group test-consumer-group --topic first-topic
Expected Results * Client will fail due to authorization error
Audit Log Principal = User:consumer is Denied Operation = Describe from host = on resource = Group:LITERAL:test-consumer-group
3. Remove the authorization from a running consumer
Step Action
Pre-requisites * Make sure the consumer ACL is in place
Test Steps * Execute the consumer with the proper authentication
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --consumer.config client-properties/ --group test-consumer-group --topic first-topic
* Remove the consumer ACL
Expected Results * Client start consuming normally
* Client will generate one error message once the ACL is removed
Audit Log Principal = User:consumer is Denied Operation = Read from host = on resource = Topic:LITERAL:first-topic
4. No authorization for the consumer group
Step Action
Pre-requisites * Change the consumer ACL to authorize only a specific consumer group (different from test-consumer-group)
Test Steps * Execute the consumer with the proper authentication
kafka-console-consumer --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --consumer.config client-properties/ --group test-consumer-group --topic first-topic
Expected Results * Client will fail due to authorization error
Audit Log [2020-09-09 19:55:15,732] Principal = User:consumer is Denied Operation = Describe from host = on resource = Group:LITERAL:test-consumer-group

Useful Commands

kafkacat is a generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka >=0.8, think of it as a netcat for Kafka. You can read more about kafkacat here

$ brew install kafkacat
######### FIND LEAD KAFKA BROKER ######### 
$ kafkacat -L -b localhost:9092 \
-X security.protocol=sasl_plaintext \
-X sasl.mechanisms=PLAIN -X sasl.username=admin -X sasl.password='admin-secret'

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