yarn add @osskit/dafka-producer-fetch-client
import { createProducer } from '@osskit/dafka-producer-fetch-client';
export const produce = createProducer<Message>({
url: 'http://dafka-producer',
topic: 'my-topic',
keyExtractor: (record) => record.id,
fetch: global.fetch,
await produce(records);
It is possible to add extra headers to the request
await produce(records, {
'x-extra-header': 'value',
Type: string
The URL of dafka-producer
Type: string
The Kafka Topic name
Type: (record: Record) => string
A function to extract the key from a record, defaults to a random UUID
Type: typeof global.fetch
The fetch function to use
An instance of a function that receives <Record>(records: Record[], extraHeaders?: object)
and returns Promise<void>