A wrapper library for @ngrx/store to use Redux concept in an easy way.
Maybe your desires:
- like to use Redux.
- but writing many actions and reducers is painful.
- very painful.
- to handle async actions is so painful.
- finding an easy way to use Redux concept.
- want to use Angular and RxJS.
Here Simplr comes into play.
$ npm install --save @ngrx/core @ngrx/store ngrx-store-simplr
You also need to install Angular and RxJS.
Declare the app state interfaces.
// app/store/models/index.ts
export interface AppState {
counter: number;
Create reducer
and initialState
to import into app.module.ts
// app/store/reducer.ts
import { combineReducers } from '@ngrx/store';
import { Wrapper } from 'ngrx-store-simplr';
import { AppState } from './models';
const wrapper = new Wrapper<AppState>();
const wrappedReducers = wrapper.mergeReducersIntoWrappedReducers({
counter: null // if you have a reducer for this key, set it here instead of null.
const rootReducer = combineReducers(wrappedReducers);
export function reducer(state, action) { // workaround for AoT compile
return rootReducer(state, action);
export const initialState: AppState = {
counter: 0
Edit app.module.ts
in order to use Simplr.
// app/app.module.ts
import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { SimplrModule } from 'ngrx-store-simplr';
import { reducer, initialState } from './store/reducer';
imports: [
StoreModule.provideStore(reducer, initialState), // <== Add
SimplrModule.forRoot(), // <== Add
export class AppModule { }
Create a service to dispatch to the store.
// app/services/counter.ts
import { Simplr } from 'ngrx-store-simplr';
import { AppState } from '../store/models';
import { initialState } from '../store/reducer';
export class CounterService {
private simplr: Simplr<AppState>,
) { }
increment() {
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1);
reset() {
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', initialState.counter);
Create a component to call service functions.
// app/containers/counter.ts
import { State } from '@ngrx/store';
import { AppState } from '../store/models';
import { CounterService } from '../services/counter';
selector: 'app-counter-container',
template: `
<button (click)="increment()">increment</button>
<button (click)="reset()">reset</button>
<pre>{{ state$ | async | json }}</pre>
export class CounterContainerComponent {
public state$: State<AppState>,
private service: CounterService,
) { }
increment() {
reset() {
Did you notice that you wrote no actions and no reducers?
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1 ) // callback
// or
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', 1) // value
// or
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', Promise.resolve((state) => state + 1 )) // callback in Promise
// or
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', Promise.resolve(1)) // value in Promise
// or
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', Observable.of((state) => state + 1 )) // callback in Observable
// or
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', Observable.of(1)) // value in Observable
interface Result<T, K extends keyof T> {
action: Action,
state: T,
partial: T[K],
// getting dispatched Action
const action: Observable<Action> =
.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1 )
.map(result => result.action) // action ==> { type: 'counter @UPDATE@', payload: 1 }
// getting updated current whole state
const state: Observable<AppState> =
.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1 )
.map(result => result.state) // state ==> { counter: 1 }
// getting udpated current state under the key
const partial: Observable<number> =
.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1 )
.map(result => result.partial) // partial ==> 1
// description option
const action: Observable<Action> =
.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1, { desc: 'foobar' } )
.map(result => result.action) // action ==> { type: 'counter @UPDATE@', payload: 1, desc: 'foobar' }
// timeout option (default: 1000 * 15)
const action: Observable<Action> =
.dispatch('counter', Observable.of((state) => state + 1).delay(100), { timeout: 90 } )
.map(result => result.action) // action ==> { type: 'counter @FAILED@' }
// retry option (default: 3)
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', /* will try this HTTP request 10 times */, { retry: 10 } )
// logging option ... if set be true, the result will be shown on browser console.
this.simplr.dispatch('counter', (state) => state + 1, { logging: true } )