A Javascript library to calculate sun events.
- Avoid JS Date gymnastics.
- Date and time I/O are treated numbers-only.
- Use your favorite Date library on the side.
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Solar noon
View the test file for a complete example.
const sun = require('./celestial-sun');
let sunEvents = sun.calculate(latitude, longitude, year, month, day, utcOffset);
let sunrise = sunEvents.sunrise;
let sunset = sunEvents.sunset;
let solarnoon = sunEvents.solarnoon;
//example use with local JS Date
console.log(new Date(sunrise.year, sunrise.month, sunrise.day, sunrise.hour, sunrise.minutes, sunrise.seconds));
//Note: Using JS Date object, date appear correct only for systems in the given latitude/longtitude.
If you'd like to contribute please create a Pull Request including test code.
- This code is ported to JS from C# Fiddle 'SolarCalc NOAA' https://dotnetfiddle.net/N3j5th by Erik Murphy