The idea of this project is:
- Control a led-strip (based on Adafruit-Neopixel) by Domoticz,
- Send light-intensity information to domoticz,
- Send a trigger on a moving detection sensor to domoticz
The reason for this project was the re-make of our waitingroom behind our front-door at home. I wanted to make a nice light using a led-strip.
Hardware used:
This project is build on a Lolin - Node-MCU esp8266.
Ledstrip, based on WS2812 (3.3v) connected to D5, Good powersuply for the strip.
The light intensity meter is a BH1750 light sensor, connecten via i2c.
The moving detection is entering a high to low contact to D2
Control from and to domoticz:
The sonsors a triggering an URL of domoticz, including and IDX number (defined in Domoticz and enterd in config.h)
To controll the ledsstrip by Domoticz, the housled has a webserver. You can enter the url of the houseled in youre browser to do some basic testing.
Domoticz is using the following commands:
[ip]/off Switching off the leds
[ip]/red/on Switch all leds to red
[ip]/red/off Switch off all red
[ip]/green/on Switch all leds to green
[ip]/green/off Switch off all green
[ip]/blue/on Switch all leds to blue
[ip]/blue/off Switch off all blue
[ip]/fade/on Fading some colors (off to switch off)
[ip]/color/'red'/'green'/'blue'/ Set all leds to al color geven in red, green and blue (all 0-255 attetion to last / )
[ip]/pref1/'red'/'green'/'blue'/ Set som in esp defined leds in a special color
[ip]/select/'red'/'green'/'blue'/'leds' Give some leds, seperated by a ',' a color. No '/' at the end this time
[ip]/2512/ A hidden function for Christmas.
Example of config in Domoticz
![Schermafbeelding 2020-11-08 om 21.01.11](/Users/erikjan/Desktop/Schermafbeelding 2020-11-08 om 21.01.11.png)