Prometheus alertmanager webhook that responds to alerts by generating tickets, executing ansible roles and running scripts.
usage: agate [<flags>]
prometheus alertmanager webhook processor
--help Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and
--version Show application version.
--config="agate.yml" config filename
--addr=":4464" listen address
--data="data" data directory
--debug debug output to stdout
The webhook URL, http://hostname:port/alerts?resolve=true, processes alert manager alert groups. http://hostname:port/alerts defaults to false
Prometheus metrics are available via http://hostname:port/metrics,
- group_title: alert group note (issue, ticket) title
- agate_title, title, subject: note alert title
use notify_sys and notify_grp in your alertmanager alert grouping
notify_sys (mock|gitlab|hpsm) (2.0: alertmanager)
notify_grp: {gitlab: project, hpsm: workgroup}
agate_node, hostname, node, instance: remediation node
agate_title, title, subject: note (issue, ticket) title
group_title: note title
- /metrics - prometheus metrics
- /api/v4/alerts - alertmanager v4 alertgroup
curl $agatehost:$port/metrics
curl -XPOST -d @alert-group.json $agatehost:$port/api/v4/alerts?system=gitlab&group=maul/alerts&no_resolve=true
- create, update & close notes via $notify_sys
- execute $alertname{script|ansible} (on $instance) remediation
- hardened
puppet: puppet-agate ansible: ansible-agate docker: docker-agate source: go get
- validate amgr/Manager()
command: cd test && rake spec requires: rake, ansbile, vagrant, virtualbox
see test dir and *_test.go
2018-12-05 (cc)
GNU General Public License v3.0
See COPYING for full text.