GNU Emacs customizations. Provides an init.el script system customized by emacs version and host operating system.
- ascii-table - show the buffer Ascii Table or make one.
- cobol-mode - major mode for editing cobol code.
- find-executable
- find-header - prompt for header to find
- find-up-dir
- insert-classname - insert c++ classname for the current file at point
- insert-classname-inline - insert c++ inline funct impl for the current file at point
- insert-classname-template - insert c++ template classname
- log-mode
- markdown-mode - fresh from git://
- php-mode - fresh from
- puppet-mode - fresh from
- insert-timestamp - insert a timestamp into the local buffer
- timestamp - return a formated timestamp string with the current date and time. Example: 05/15/93 03:20:15
- todo-mode
1995-11-13 (cc) Paul Houghton
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.