This release contains breaking changes
- GB: Add Moto data source (https://moto-way.com/fuel-price/fuel_prices.json)
- GB: Add JET data source (https://jetlocal.co.uk/fuel_prices_data.json)
- The services for
Find Fuel Locations
andFind Fuels
now return the distance from the original search location (in miles) - Device tracker platform has been replaced for the sensor platform.
- Add icon to entities
- Update translations
- Device tracker platform removed, all entities will be available under the sensor platform instead.
- To account for the changes to service calls, their output formats have now changed, for
Find Fuels
the output will be in list format as follows:
fuels: [{
name: Location Name,
cost: Location Cost,
distance: Location Distance
The Find Fuel Locations
service call has not changed significantly, however now includes additional properties under the props
key that was previously hidden.
- UK Fuel Sources not updating
- Missing options in options flow
- BP and Tesco returning incorrect price values
Full Changelog: 2024.2.0b1...2024.3.0b0