-> install python 3.9 (python.org) -> pip install -r requirements.txt -> open config.properties and change your discord token -> python Start.py Note: Project is work on linux.
- Lookup and information command.
- Text AI model
- What's PopupDB? -> PopupDB is an organization, created to get detailed analytics about Tech-Support-Scams, created by choozn (choozn#6498) and multivitamin (multivitamin#6799).
- What's Technical support scam (TSS)? -> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technical_support_scam
- Why did original PopupDB discontinued? -> Simply, multivitamin got tired of it.
- A_Person (A_Person#1829 on discord) -> Founder
- Paranormal Activity (Paranormal Activity#6618) -> Founder
- Yomanmo (yomanmo#2819) -> Developer & English Translator
- Neep (NeeP#6262) -> German Translator
- NoPE (NoPE#9169) -> Community Contributor
- Unsupported