This is a Python script that retrieves data from the BreachSence API for a list of websites and saves the data to JSON files.
To run this script, you will need:
Python 3.x installed on your computer.
module installed. You can install it using pip: -
A license key for the BreachSence API. You can sign up for a free trial at
Clone or download this repository to your computer.
Open a terminal or command prompt and navigate to the directory containing the script.
Run the script using the following command:
Follow the prompts to enter the website names (comma-separated), date (in YYYYMMDD format), and license key.
The script will retrieve data from the following endpoints for each website and save it to JSON files:
- combo
- creds
- darkweb
- radar
- sessions
- stealer
The JSON files will be saved in the same directory as the script.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
This script was created using the Requests library and the BreachSence API.