This is the main repository for the framework Bohrium .NET, which the responsibility is to provide a bunch of modularized development framework classes to be reusable increasing the team productivity into the .NET platform.
Bohrium .NET Site:
- Visual Studio 2012 Professional or Ultimate
- N/A
- All dependencies are from NuGet packages or should be added into the repository using relative paths.
Database configuration
- N/A
How to run tests
- The CI environment is configured to run the tests.
Deployment instructions
- Each module of this framework must have a NuGet package as a deployment target with the dependencies added or setted and configured into the msbuild file.
- Writing tests
- The tests should be written using NUnit.
- Code review
- Code reviews will be made into the GitHub by the Administrators.
- Other guidelines
- Repo Administrators / Key Contributors:
- Vinicius Patrinhani (