UM-IU@LING at SemEval-2019 Task 6: Identifying Offensive Tweets Using BERT and SVMs
Jian Zhu, Zuoyu Tian, Sandra Kübler
- In subtask A, we fine-tuned a BERT based classifier to detect abusive content in tweets, achieving a macro F1 score of 0.8136 on the test data, thus reaching the 3rd rank out of 103 submissions.
- In subtasks B and C, we used a linear SVM with selected character n-gram features. For subtask C, our system could identify the target of abuse with a macro F1 score of 0.5243, ranking it 27th out of 65 submissions.
python --task_name one --do_train --do_eval --do_lower_case --data_dir ./training/ --bert_model bert-base-uncased --max_seq_length 80 --train_batch_size 32 --learning_rate 2e-5 --num_train_epochs 2.0 --output_dir ./output/
- pytorch 1.0
- pytorch_pretrained_bert
The feature selection part is based on the following papers. If you want to use it, please cite one of the papers:
- Kübler, Sandra, Can Liu, and Zeeshan Ali Sayyed. "To use or not to use: Feature selection for sentiment analysis of highly imbalanced data." Natural Language Engineering 24.1 (2018): 3-37
- Liu, Can, Sandra Kübler, and Ning Yu. "Feature selection for highly skewed sentiment analysis tasks." Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Natural Language Processing for Social Media (SocialNLP). 2014.