This repository uses ansible to manage my dotfiles. I mainly use ArchLinux, so all of my roles use pacman as package manager.
Once cloned, run: make init
There is some make
command to run roles depending on tags.
- alacritty as my primary terminal emulator
- bspwm as my new TWM
- sxhkd as a complement of bspwm
- polybar as my main bar
- eww is just installed, did not have time to play with actually
- dunst as my notification daemon
- rofi as my indow switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement
- tmux as my terminal multiplexer
- zsh as my shell
- 1password as my password manager
- neovim as my main text editor
Thanks to all various people/repository and r/unixporn for the sources and inspirations !
Also, big thanks to @siduck for the amazing work on their dotfiles.