Contributors: pbiron
Tags: multisite, admin
Requires at least: 4.6
Tested up to: 5.1-beta3
Requires PHP: 5.6
Stable tag: 0.1.1
License: GPL-2.0-or-later
License URI:
Donate link:
Optimize admin management of large networks
For Super Admins, all Wordpress admin screens can take very long to load when working with a multisite network with even 100 sites. Additionally, the "My Sites" dropdown in the adminbar does not deal well with users who have access to more than ~30 sites.
This plugin tries to address that by:
- short circuiting certain calls to get_blogs_of_user() for Super Admins and "pretending" that they only have access to the main site
- replacing the URL for the "My Sites" admin bar menu item for Super Admins to use the URL for the Network Admin > Sites page
- if a Super Admin "manually" goes to the "My Sites" screen, they are automatically redirected to the Network Admin > Sites screen
- for all non-Super Admin users, the sites they belong to are shown in alphabetical order by blogname
- by default, Wordpress shows them in the order the sites were created (i.e., their blog_id)
From your WordPress dashboard
- Go to Plugins > Add New and click on Upload Plugin
- Upload the zip file
- Activate the plugin
- clone the global repo to your local machine
- install node.js and npm (instructions)
- install composer (instructions)
- run
npm update
- run
grunt build
- to build a new release zip
- run
grunt release
- run
- to build a new release zip
- add ability to short circuit
for any user that is a member of more than n blogs, instead of just doing so for super_admins - for users that aren't short circuited and have more than m blogs, have the adminbar My Sites list their blogs in sub-menus (e.g., A-E, F-I, etc)
- hook Large_Network_Management_Plugin::setup() to 'init' instead of 'plugins_loaded' to avoid calling is_admin_bar_showing() before the query is run on the front-end
- Added 'wp_dashboard_quick_press()' to the list of "expensive" calls of get_blogs_of_user()
- init commit