This API uses a MongoDB database setup on local machine.
Install MongoDB on Linux/Ubuntu
To start MongoDB on Linux/Ubuntu :
$ sudo service mongod start
To check MongoDB status
$ service mongod status
● mongod.service - High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mongod.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Tue 2019-06-11 08:28:03 IST; 3min 46s ago
Main PID: 5580 (mongod)
Tasks: 19
Memory: 53.0M
CPU: 3.082s
CGroup: /system.slice/mongod.service
└─5580 /usr/bin/mongod --quiet --config /etc/mongod.conf
Jun 11 08:28:03 penthaa systemd[1]: Started High-performance, schema-free document-oriented database.
type Food struct {
ID primitive.ObjectID `json:"_id,omitempty" bson:"_id,omitempty"`
Name string `json:"name" bson:"name"`
Energy int `json:"energy" bson:"energy"`
Protein float64 `json:"protein" bson:"protein"`
Fat float64 `json:"fat" bson:"fat"`
Carbohydrate float64 `json:"carbohydrate" bson:"carbohydrate"`
Sugars float64 `json:"sugars" bson:"sugars"`
DietaryFibre float64 `json:"dietary-fibre" bson:"dietary-fibre"`
Sodium float64 `json:"sodium" bson:"sodium"`
Run go run main.go
to get started
curl -d '{"name": "Tahini","energy": 2760,"protein": 25.6,"fat": 57.3,"carbohydrate": 12,"sugars": 1,"dietary-fibre": 0,"sodium": 7}' -X POST http://localhost:5000/api
Sample Output:
"InsertedID": "5cff1a95ca89a0ba83d68518"
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api
Sample output:
"_id": "5cfe72bef015083bfbce0100",
"name": "Almond milk",
"energy": 1560,
"protein": 12.3,
"fat": 9.9,
"carbohydrate": 51.7,
"sugars": 19.7,
"dietary-fibre": 13,
"sodium": 6
"_id": "5cfe77d4ff6c88b7b5fd05ce",
"name": "Hummus",
"energy": 709,
"protein": 8.4,
"fat": 10.8,
"carbohydrate": 4.6,
"sugars": 0.6,
"dietary-fibre": 11,
"sodium": 378
"_id": "5cfeb87611315a2ebc123215",
"name": "Muesli (Almond)",
"energy": 1560,
"protein": 12.3,
"fat": 9.9,
"carbohydrate": 51.7,
"sugars": 19.7,
"dietary-fibre": 13,
"sodium": 6
"_id": "5cff02d08394d5bf52a49eaa",
"name": "Yellow Sweet Corn",
"energy": 86,
"protein": 3.22,
"fat": 1.8,
"carbohydrate": 19.02,
"sugars": 3.22,
"dietary-fibre": 2.7,
"sodium": 15
"_id": "5cff1a95ca89a0ba83d68518",
"name": "Tahini",
"energy": 2760,
"protein": 25.6,
"fat": 57.3,
"carbohydrate": 12,
"sugars": 1,
"dietary-fibre": 0,
"sodium": 7
curl -X GET http://localhost:5000/api/find/5cfeb87611315a2ebc123215
Sample output:
"_id": "5cfeb87611315a2ebc123215",
"name": "Muesli (Almond)",
"energy": 1560,
"protein": 12.3,
"fat": 9.9,
"carbohydrate": 51.7,
"sugars": 19.7,
"dietary-fibre": 13,
"sodium": 6
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/api/delete/5cfeb87611315a2ebc123215
Sample Output: Shows the deleted data.
"_id": "5cfeb87611315a2ebc123215",
"name": "Muesli (Almond)",
"energy": 1560,
"protein": 12.3,
"fat": 9.9,
"carbohydrate": 51.7,
"sugars": 19.7,
"dietary-fibre": 13,
"sodium": 6
curl -d '{"name": "Almond milk","energy": 1612,"protein": 13,"fat": 10,"carbohydrate": 52,"sugars": 20,"dietary-fibre": 14,"sodium": 6}' -X PUT http://localhost:5000/api/update/5cfe72bef015083bfbce0100
Sample Output: Shows the updated data.
"_id": "5cfe72bef015083bfbce0100",
"name": "Almond milk",
"energy": 1612,
"protein": 13,
"fat": 10,
"carbohydrate": 52,
"sugars": 20,
"dietary-fibre": 14,
"sodium": 6