Simple project to get started with latency testing in kubernetes cluster. Similar concept can be used with different tools e.g. iperf, ping, ...
This is just a template project, feel free to update .yaml
manifests to include node selectors, tolerations etc.
You can skip this setup if you are going to run tests on an existing cluster
- start kind cluster
kind create cluster --name netperf --config kind-config.yaml
- build netperf docker image
docker build -t pete911/netperf:latest .
- load netperf docker image to the cluster
kind load docker-image pete911/netperf:latest --name netperf
- install netperf deployments:
- daemonset (one server, client on every node)
kubectl apply -f k8s-netperf-ds.yaml
- server and client as containers in a single pod
kubectl apply -f k8s-netperf-single-pod.yaml
- daemonset (one server, client on every node)
- get netperf server
- pod name, node name and pod IP
kubectl get pod -l,NODE:.spec.nodeName,IP:.status.podIP
- or more info if needed
kubectl get pod -l -o wide
- pod name, node name and pod IP
- get netperf clients
- pod and node name
kubectl get pod -l,NODE:.spec.nodeName
- or more info if needed
kubectl get pod -l -o wide
- pod and node name
- exec to a client pod (either on the same node as server or different)
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- sh
) - run netperf against the server
netperf -H <server-pod-IP> -l 100 -t TCP_RR -- -o min_latency,mean_latency,max_latency
- get netperf pod
kubectl get pod -l
- exec to a client container
kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -c client -- sh
) - run netperf against the server
netperf -H -l 100 -t TCP_RR -- -o min_latency,mean_latency,max_latency
- daemonset
- client
kubectl delete ds netperf-client
- server
kubectl delete deploy netperf-server
- client
- single pod deployment
kubectl delete deploy netperf
If you used kind cluster (setup sections), run kind delete cluster --name netperf
as well